who ; Davesprite and Sollux
what ; Brainwashed bros hanging out.
where ; SHODANland aka R07
when ; Backdated to... last wednesday I guess?
warning(s) ; Brainwashed creepiness
The Sprite is feeling restless. It's been a day now since the disaster with Vriska, and he hasn't had a chance to bring in any new subjects since then. At the moment, he has little to do besides patrolling the streets. He's not likely to find any intruders with the teleporters still locked down, of course.
He frowns a little with frustration. He understands the need for caution; they're not yet ready to take on the whole station. Still, that doesn't help much with his urge to just go out and do his job.
Well, at least he's not alone. No one has to be alone here, thanks to the Goddess. He reaches through the network of minds and gives Sollux a gentle nudge.
Hey. You got time to chill, bro?