It's a double rainbow all the way

Feb 12, 2011 14:52

Who ; mcfussyfangs, kidfromthevault & sopor_pies
What ; "How do you know consuming slime isn't fatal to humans?"
When ; After this
Where ; Vaultie's shack then to the closest medical bay. No it's okay he vommed it all up.
Warning(s) ; Not that I know of

Damn. )

kanaya maryam, lone wanderer | (au), gamzee makara

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mcfussyfangs February 15 2011, 08:00:06 UTC
This house... doesn't look stable, proper or anything remotely resembling safe. In fact, as far as Kanaya is concerned, this hive and the word 'proper' got divorced and took their kids 'safe' and 'hygenic' in the custody battle, but let the house have 'deathtrap' and 'unsanitary'. Still, Kanaya has faced down worse, and sees no problem with pushing her way into the shack.

She looks down at both Gamzee and his friend with a barely there frown and furrow of her brows and she shakes her head at his questions, "I will impart my name onto you once you are in better health. As for the pies, I am afraid it would be best for you to abstain from them for... a while at the least."

There is no possible way she will be able to hold up the strange faceless man and carry her chainsaw at the same time. Someone may lose a limb! So Kanaya nods her head at Gamzee and puts her lipstick away, striding over to the human and taking a quizzical look at him before arranging scooting down and arranging one of his arms so that it settles around her shoulders.

"Gamzee, please mimic the action I have taken, as it seems to be the most effective way to get him up. I am unsure if he is capable of righting his body by himself."


WOW GUESS WHO FORGOT TO TRACK kidfromthevault February 22 2011, 02:21:02 UTC

Vaultie hadn't been reacting to the poking, but his period sniffling and babbling about rainbows had been his only life signs. He appreciated Gamzee's poking. Good friends prodded you when you were high, didn't they? He turns to Gamzee, laughing. "I don't. I feel great. I feel so good. This is better than Jet."

He tries to stumble to his feet as Kanaya puts his arm atop of her shoulder. It's not a good idea. He gets halfway up before sinking down to one knee, giggling under his breath. He feels likes he's floating in some sort of viscous ooze- he feels like he's floating in pie is the thought that comes to mind and he breaks out into high-pitched giggles. He's floating in pie, holding onto these mini gray super mutants. If only Butch could see him now.

"This is. This is weird. You guys are tinier than me. Where are we going?" He turns his face towards her, leaning in, his helmet just touching her skin. It's cool to the touch, smooth, and the visor is completely opaque. He pats her shoulder loosely. "To get more pies? Maybe I should. Should stop, but you could start." In his absentmindedness, the hand on her shoulder is already wavering, reaching up absently to touch the tip of her horn.


IT'S OKAY BB sopor_pies February 22 2011, 02:59:28 UTC
Gamzee slides to his feet and gets Vaultie's other arm around his shoulders, helping Kanaya to hold him up. He chuckles a little. For someone who might be dying, Vaultie sure seems fine. Then again maybe humans have wickedly powerful digestive systems and he just hasn't noticed yet.

"It's all good, dogg, it's all good. We're all at gonna get you up and looked at, then see if maybe you can all be at having some more pie or something."

Though Gamzee makes a mental note to make sure that even if slime isn't toxic to humans, to still only let them have a little. Not a whole pie.


IT'S TOTES OKAY mcfussyfangs February 23 2011, 10:14:56 UTC
Kanaya sighs, inwardly grousing at the concern she displays all her friends, and by extension their problems. Still, the work of a team mom an auxiliatrix is never done. It would have felt rather bizarre, not helping Gamzee out of what could possibly morph into a difficult situation. It isn't meddling, not if Gamzee had somewhat asked for her assistance.

Kanaya tilts her head away from Valutie's wandering fingers, finding the podd prickling sensation of someone touching her horns to be quite an odd feeling. He leans forward slightly, arching a single eyebrow at Gamzee's mention of giving him more pie, then decides that maybe it isn't really her business to tell Gamzee what he can and cannot stuff into his chitinous consumption-hole as well as the hole of others. His new friend didn't seen avers to the idea of eating what trolls normally slept in.

However, at the mention of partaking in a pie herself, Kanaya shakes her head. "I'm afraid it would be rather unhealthy for me to attempt to consume one of Gamzee's sopor pies. I have no idea what the effects could possibly be."

Naturally, that is a total lie, but he doesn't need to know that.


I'VE DISHONORED MY NAME kidfromthevault February 24 2011, 01:36:27 UTC
Gamzee pulls him up, and Vaultie's feet do a little dance with one another, and failing miserably to coordinate their steps. "No pies? Are these... these are special pies? For me and. Me and my best friend. He is the best friend. The bestest. The bestest of all the friends."

He's never felt so serene in his life. It still hasn't come to mind that perhaps, not all pies were like this, and this was a very special, drugged pie-

Behind his helmet, Vaultie's pupils suddenly contract into pinpricks, and his hands scrabble upward. Everything drops. The rainbows, the happiness, his stomach. "Bucket," The word ends with a gag as his gut roils and starts to rebel against the foreign sludge. Oh why did he put his helmet back on-- okay so maybe it was awesome seeing all of the rainbows tinted orange but-- he feels his stomach lurch, and his thumbs slip over the maddeningly smooth surface of his helmet. He starts to teeter over, still heavily off-balance. "I n-need-- bucket--"


/exiles you. Also Vaultie you CAD!! sopor_pies February 24 2011, 11:09:11 UTC
Gamzee leans into Vaultie a little in a sort of awkward one-armed holding-someone-up hug. Which is really just leaning into someone. Gamzee is so happy with his very first human friend. No one else ever really understands the pie and the miracles.

"The bestest of all the friends," he's agreeing when suddenly Vaultie lurches. "Whoa, keep it all together, bro. We're gonna get you--"



Even through the sopor haze Gamzee can recognize that particular word. Gamzee's face goes dark purple as he blushes.

"Well shit, brother, I guess that's all at flattering and shit, but we did all just been at met and I, uh, don't think I'm all at thinking of you that way? I think the slime's just all been gone up at your head and shit. Don't be getting with the worry though, we'll get you all up with a motherfucking doctor or something."

But now Vaultie is clawing at his mask. Gamzee decides to temporarily forget being broadsided by lewd comments and what may or may not be sopor-induced scarlet feelings from his new friend. Humans sure are weird! Gamzee attempts to help Vaultie get his helmet off.


/double exiles all the way across Alternia. Also, HOW INAPPROPRIATE!!!!!! mcfussyfangs February 25 2011, 08:09:50 UTC
Kanaya really doesn't have any answer for that aside from nodding in a manner that may as well broadcast the fact that she is resigned to these shenanigans. "Yes. Special pies for Gamzee and yourself." She murmurs. And then he says that word and she almost drops him right on the floor in shock. Gamzee is taking it rather well, aside from the indigo blush, though it isn't exactly out of place in this situation.

At the least, she tries to force down her own blush and focus on the task at hand. Kanaya moves to help her troll friend pull off the helmet, because obviously Gamzee's new acquaintance is just feeling a little brain-addled due to the slime. There was also the being human factor reminding her that he certainly didn't know what a pail meant to trolls.

Still, he is clawing at his helmet and she sees no reason not to help Gamzee get it off. After all, the sopored up troll cannot be left alone. Not while she's around.

Kanaya moves to the side, trying to get a better angle to reach from. She moves up onto her tip-toes and uses sure and steady fingers to probe around the helmeted man's chin and neck, hands sliding to the back of his head searching for some sort of clasp to undo the helmet. "For something that initially seems to be so simple, I am unsure of how it is supposed to be removed from his head. Honestly, how does this contraption even work?"

Please don't say miracles. Please don't say miracles. Please don't say miracles. Please don't say miracles. Please don't say miracles.


kidfromthevault February 27 2011, 01:16:16 UTC
Vaultie doesn't really respond or register to what anybody is saying, because he needs to puke and he needs to puke bad. Thankfully, something clicks lightly- somebody had hit the clasp on his helmet, and with a jerk it pops off of his head.

"Oh my God thank you but bucket--"

Bucket bucket where are you bucket. Unlike the trolls, Vaultie loves buckets. They carry things, and can double the packratting potential of a house exponentially. His helmet clatters to the ground, and he whips around. He's sweaty and wild-eyed and a scary sight to behold.

Stumbling forward, he finds the first bucket, upturns it- hammers, wrenches, and a toy car bounce out, and with a loud gag Vaultie upchucks green and gooey into the pail. It suddenly occurs to him that this is embarrassing and very rude to his new troll friends. He tries to apologize but it comes out more as "HUURRGLGJHF".


sopor_pies February 27 2011, 06:06:20 UTC
Finally the helmet comes off. Gamzee inspects it curiously, momentarily forgetting the whole bucket thing. It's kind of a weird helmet, and also it doesn't have horn holes. What is up with that? He wonders why humans decided to just not have horns.

Then, oh dear. Vaultie is grabbing a bucket. Gamzee is about to protest when Vaultie simply upchucks into it.

"Whoa. That's what you wanted a bucket for? Huh."


mcfussyfangs February 27 2011, 06:40:43 UTC
Kanaya however, has her hand clapped over her eyes, because goodness know what this man is going to do with that bucket. And then she hears vomiting sounds and she opens her fingers a little, just to take a peek at him and-- Oh. Well then.

"I suppose humans simply have different uses for. Uhm. Pails," She murmurs awkwardly. It's almost like she's channeling Tavros, with how flustered she is. "We need to get around to explaining bucket etiquette to the inhabitants of this place eventually."

If only because she is rather uncomfortable with how many similar incidents happen to be occurring on this station.


kidfromthevault February 28 2011, 00:49:44 UTC

What are they talking about? This is what humans use pails for? Buckets? What else are buckets for, other than innocently holding things and, in desperate times, hurling ones guts up into them?

The puking luckily stops before he fills the bucket or damages something internally; he coughs, trying to keep his rude hacking to a minimum.

"Sorry. So sorry."

Despite the bile and sopor mixture, it bizarrely doesn't taste as bad as puke should. Then again, whenever he puked in the past, it was always due to radiation poisoning. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, coughing a few more times. "I uh."

He turns around, holding the bucket awkwardly. He looks ragged. "S-sorry. I guess. Pies aren't that good for you."


sopor_pies March 2 2011, 03:26:18 UTC
Gamzee pats Vaultie on the back while he barfs. "It's gonna be all okay, brosef, just be all getting it all out."

He's starting to get worried again when Vaultie finally stops barfing. Gamzee lets out a sigh of relief. Looks like his human friend isn't going to be dying, at least not right now.

He really wishes Vaultie would stop holding the bucket, though.

"Fuck, bro, I'm all really sorry. Wasn't all thinking about the whole being of what, like, if humans were even all to being able to eat that shit. You all feeling better, though? Uh, and you can all just, uh, be putting that down now." He points at the bucket.


mcfussyfangs March 4 2011, 06:43:39 UTC
Kanaya is no longer sure she wants to be here. There is vomit and normally she would be okay with bile anywhere that wasn't her person, but it's in a bucket for crying out loud. She almost wants to take it from him, set it down and put a blanket over it so that it's out of sight, but that would involve touching it. And that might give the human or, god forbid, Gamzee the wrong idea. She stays in place, shifting awkwardly before clapping her hands together once in finality and rocking back on her feet before standing straight as she can once more.

"Well, I believe the problem has been somewhat solved." She remarks, folding her hands. "If you are feeling quite up to the task, perhaps we can dispose of the bucket and partake in some other activity that involves neither bile nor pails."

"And yes. Do put that down. Hidden behind something would be preferable, as that isn't exactly proper paraphernalia to be displaying around company. Ever."


kidfromthevault March 5 2011, 03:15:07 UTC
"Yeah. It's okay. I feel. I feel better. And-- Oh."

Vaultie looks down, blinking groggily at the bucket in his hands. And then looks back up, because it's filled with gross lime green vomit that might be glowing a little and smells vaguely of fake green apple. "What's wrong with the pail? Other then it having my puke in it."

Still, he goes to the window, and dumps it out. He doesn't have a working plumbing system yet; he's been amazed by the water outside so much that he doesn't see much use of getting anything indoors. He drops the bucket outside, for good measure. He'll pick it up and clean it later.

"I mean. I have some other buckets around here, but they only hold things like bolts. And hammers, and wrenches, and turpentine. Not... not puke." He leans out from the window, shutting it and walking over, a slight sway to his step. Vaultie leans heavily against a wall. "But they're away. Don't worry."


sopor_pies March 6 2011, 05:05:51 UTC
"I'm glad, bro, I sure all would be all not with feeling so good if I'd all been killed you or anything."

Gamzee looks at the bucket and then immediately looks away. He thinks about Vaultie's question and then, in a sudden moment of insight, says,

"Bro, I am all at not the motherfucker to all be explaining that shit right now, haha." Sorry, Kanaya, it's all on you.


mcfussyfangs March 8 2011, 02:46:14 UTC
"I'm am also mildly pleased that you are still alive. Your unprecedented and accidental murder would have made Gamzee morose as well as cast him on a bad light."

Kanaya also awkwardly avoids looking at the bucket, staring at Gamzee awkwardly, trying to beam him thoughts of 'why would you foist this on me'

"I am also not exactly prepared for the challenge of explaining the subject at the current time."

Or ever.


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