R41NBOW RUMPUS MURD3RTOWN [closed | in-progress]

Feb 07, 2011 23:48

who ; Eridan Ampora, Kanaya Maryam, Kasumi Goto, Parker, Terezi Pyrope
what ; Kasumi and Parker want to gather intel on Eridan. Terezi wants to bring him to justice. Kanaya wants That Fucking Wand back. HILARITY ENSUES.
where ; Residential Zone 08 (Hayles) apartment
when ;  not long (maybe a day or two) after Jack arrives on the station
warning(s) ; Violence, dismemberment, death, courtblock live action roleplaying shenanigans

There comes a moment in every young troll's existence where they realize that sometimes life pretty much sucks the big one. Maybe they grew up an orphan. Maybe they found out their best frienemy is a backstabbing liar who can't be trusted. Maybe the ultimate reward they worked tirelessly towards for a month was ruthlessly destroyed right before their nose.

Maybe they found out two of their good friends were just murdered.

Maybe the demon was already here.

Terezi knew what had to be done the moment she found those posts on the network. She needed to orchestrate the demise of the wicked. Eridan had to be brought to justice. Just because his victims were alive here did not absolve him of his crimes, and there was no way -- no fucking way -- she was going to let him murder any more of her friends in cold blood. Eliminating Jack Noir might be beyond her abilities, but she could at least erase that hipster douchebag from the equation.

After checking her sylladex one last time to make sure she had everything she needed, she nodded to Kanaya to show she was ready. Together they set out through the dense forest to the sector's transporter, ready for whatever come what may.

They were going to get that wand away from him come hell or high water.

They were going to make him pay.

((ooc: I recommend that everyone involved track this post so that there's no confusion about whose turn it is in the log or when characters should jump in. This will hopefully help cut down on confusion and keep things running a little smoothly. :] ))

kanaya maryam, kasumi goto, terezi pyrope, eridan ampora, parker

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