Did you see us fight? No?

Dec 15, 2010 11:33

Who ; Tex and Rookie
What ; rookie y u agree to dinner dates with rampant ais
When ; After this.
Warning(s) ; yes.

[ To be perfectly honest, Tex was well aware that the people responsible for her current state were out of her reach. Bad enough what Freelancer had subjected her to as captain to a bull dragon put too frequently to stud, the expectations, the surgeries and modifications and the complete lack of any chance for a normal life ever again. Her armor at least still came off, which was a step above of the Spartans of her world, but there was dragon blood in her veins now and dragonscale glittering in small patches along her spine. She had already given part of her humanity to the Project.

And that was before she'd found out that she was some kind of experimental AI, living oblivious to her own true nature. She'd run all the possible scenarios (once she'd come back to some semblance of lucidity, anyway), of course it was hypothetically possible for a chip to be implanted inside a human body, if they could put them inside dragon skulls, but why anyone would bother with the expense and keeping the AI in question completely in the dark was beyond her. She was a good soldier, her ratings proved it, but she couldn't be worth the cost of a small starship to the UNSC.

Unless there was something else going on. And she'd never know the answer to that, because none of those people were here. The only targets she had to lash out at were UNSC personnel from some other alternate world, that knew nothing about dragons and AI. She could hardly demand answers about what had been done to her from Noble-One, the highest ranking Spartan here so far. He wouldn't have the faintest fucking clue.

Unfortunately for him, and for all of them, that didn't go very far in soothing her temper. She had to struggle every minute of every day to keep herself focused, to consciously hold onto her physical body when the slightest lapse of concentration would leave her floating free and far too vulnerable to the undertow of the wireless information network. Getting lost in there once had felt, without mincing words, the way going insane must feel to a human.

Which she wasn't. Not anymore. She was something that shouldn't exist, by all rights. A violation of more ethics laws than she could count, with the ability to hijack minds, which to her knowledge was not a common AI ability. But what did she know. She'd been raised just like a real human, for some unknown fucking purpose.

Add a dash of hormonal fury from Omega's erratic but impossible to mistake rut cycle, and Tex couldn't decide on any given moment whether she wanted to massacre the remaining Spartans just to feel better or chain York to his bed and hope she didn't end up killing him. Barring either of those options, she'd asked one of their ODSTs on a date.

Omega is getting too moody to be safe around the public, annoyed on her behalf but more frustrated by the distinct lack of female dragons around, so Tex gives him explicit instructions to occupy himself killing things in the nearest wilderness zone while she's busy. Whether or not he'll stay there is another matter.

She even made an effort to dress for the occasion. Something less revealing might have kept her multitude of surgical and claw scars better covered, not to mention the glossy patches of dragonscale and the data ports down the length of her spine, but she couldn't bring herself to care at the moment.

She's not early. Blame Omega for that. ]

agent texas | (au), the rookie | (au)

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