(no subject)

Dec 13, 2010 15:54

who ; Emile evaskullface; technically open if you can get the location from Carter
what ; being grounded for being a douche on the network
where ; undisclosed garden zone location
when ; Today, but he'll be here all week
warning(s) ; Rated M for Mature. Flashbacks to violence.

Carter had suggested this general location because it was isolated. It was several hours' jog in any direction to the nearest teleporter and, even Emile had to admit, it gave you the impression of being on a real planet somewhere. Hell, there was even wildlife. He didn't trust any of it to be edible - Emile had packed more than enough MREs to last the week Carter had suggested he take to cool his jets - but it would be a nice distraction if he ran out of things to think about.

Not that Emile was really in danger of that.

Providing secure information to an enemy was punishable under the JAG 845-P protocol: execution without a proper trial. While Emile wasn't even sure Private Tucker was from the same UNSC as him, he was damn sure that adopting a baby Elite counted as a strict violation of that protocol. Tucker was the least responsible person Emile could think of; there was no way in hell that would get past the authorities. but no, they weren't even at war here! Never mind that the last thing Emile remembered from home was the goddamn Covvies torching Jorge's planet.

He paused for a moment to lean against the rock he was skirting. This place wasn't Reach. It wasn't anywhere in UNSC space, and for all Emile knew they were being held here by the Covenant for some hideous experiment. He didn't know why that would be so, since they had always, without exception, preferred to kill humans and desecrate the corpses rather than take prisoners. Unless the prisoners were being held for future consumption by Brutes - Emile admitted to himself he'd seen that before.

Once his vision cleared, he worked his way up the outcropping and nodded in satisfaction at what he saw. Below him stretched a deep pool with a waterfall thundering down into it. There was probably a cave behind the falls, but he judged that even if there wasn't, this would be a good place to make camp.

He'd left his bracelet and guns with Carter back at the Spartan base voluntarily. Emile had his helmet radio in case his team needed to contact him, and his memory for terrain was more than good enough to find his way back after he'd spent some time on his own. And he wouldn't really be alone, not when his team was within radio range.

Who else would he want to talk to, anyway? Everyone else was just bound to piss him off.

...He did hope he wouldn't miss that girl's dance party, though.

noble four | (au), omega | (au), agent texas | (au)

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