(no subject)

Dec 10, 2010 17:00

who ; Sollux Captor [heterochromiia ], Feferi Peixes [cuttlefishcull ]
what ; Now that they are done killing things it is time for a first date. Or second. If the killing things counts as a date (spoiler: it probably does)
where ; hive ==> garden zone 13
when ; 12/7
warning(s) ; troll romance.

[Feferi, in all her blissful excitement, didn't even have time to be nervous or embarrassed by first second date jitters. In fact if you asked her she would think that's a pretty silly thing, she liked Sollux and Sollux liked her so what was there to worry about? Besides, she was going to share something she used to do all the time on Alternia with him, it was exciting. She was excited!

She stops by his room (or a room she assumes he'll be in), grinning brightly as she knocks.] Sollux, come on!

sollux captor, feferi peixes

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