Rescue Mission (Open to the Normandy household)

Dec 03, 2010 22:52

who ; Parker, Shepard, Garrus, ?
what ; Shepard is (obviously) being held hostage by evil aliens. Parker is going to rescue her.
where ; The super secret Normandy base.
when ; Shortly after Parker's arrival.
warning(s) ; Someone prolly gonna get tased.

It had been easy enough to find the apartment where the commander was being held captive. When the glowing hologram had appeared, offering a tour of the station, Parker had refused immediately. She had a mission to perform.

Instead, she had asked Hypatia to lead her to Commander Shepard. It had taken some bargaining, but it was totally worth it to owe a favor later in return for the AI's help now.

Parker crouched on a rooftop down the street from the building, taking stock of the situation. The building was dark apart from the windows to the fourth floor, which were lit up like Christmas.

That was her target.

The rooftops and the street below were bare, though there was a shadow in one of the lit up windows, looking down on the street. Parker hopped quickly and silently from one rooftop to the next until she was on the roof of the apartment building, and glanced around until she saw an air vent.


Thirty seconds later, she had the cover off and was lowering herself carefully into the network of vents that ran throughout the building. And five minutes after that, she was peering through the opening into the room the Commander was trapped in.

It was a comfortable prison, but it was still a prison. Commander Shepard was asleep, the covers tucked up to her chin, but Parker could see the worry lines on her face. Her captivity was clearly taking its toll.

She braced her foot against the vent cover and pushed it off with a single shove, catching it before it could hit the floor and setting it carefully aside in the air duct. Then she lowered herself noiselessly to the floor and crouched next to the Commander's bed, her nose two inches away from Shepard's. When she spoke, it was in an urgent whisper.

"Commander Shepard!"

dr. mordin solus, garrus vakarian, virgil | (oc), commander jane shepard | (au), veetor'nara nar rayya, parker, thane krios

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