who ; Skyfire, Altman, Aradia.
what ; Dinner time with one man, one Transformer-turned-man, and a teenaged fairy.
where ; Altman's apartment, idk where that is kgjdkfg
when ; Evening
warning(s) ; None.
[WELP. Aradia still feels terrible from earlier in the day, but she's hoping that this will cheer her up. Eventually she makes her way over to the coordinates Altman has given her, looking forward to meeting both him and seeing Skyfire again. Even better that they're together! Aradia's glad she's met at least two people who are so kind here.
She flutters up to the location Altman has given her and makes sure she's grounded before ringing the doorbell.
Also, she is not Teen Pregnant (currently). This is a good thing.]