Dec 04, 2011 20:12

who ; Steve Rogers
what ; Steve set up an obstacle course for himself in the junkyard to try and get away from people for a bit and get out of his own head.
where ; THE JUNKYARD \o/
when ; Right. Now.
warning(s) ; FEELINGS.... This happened sooner than expected, but he's starting to wrestle with his own uncertainty re: his political position in ( Read more... )

bruce banner, peggy carter, clint barton, olivia dunham, natasha romanoff, steve rogers, georgia mason, tony stark

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feedislive December 5 2011, 05:22:04 UTC
Georgia hears the chaos from a distance, and freezes for a second, waiting for it to stop and trying to tell if it's coming any closer. It doesn't seem to be, and when nothing more happens after a minute or two, she starts walking cautiously in that direction. At the very least, she should make sure no one's been hurt, though she's really wishing she'd dragged Shaun along for backup.

She steps out from around a trash dune with her gun in hand - and automatically lowers it and stares when she sees Steve standing there surrounded by twisted metal and miscellaneous junk, shield on his arm.

"...why am I not surprised it's you?"


usavatar December 5 2011, 05:40:49 UTC
He didn't hear her coming. Kind of a consequence of temporary deafness caused by not-so-accidental avalanche. As a result, when she speaks, he's turning on her with a look of pure calculation, the expression of a soldier about to smash someone's head in with a blunt weapon.

And then he sees her, falters, slips on a piece of debris and almost falls over, catching himself instead on a standing piece of pipe- which promptly grates, shifts, and dumps him into the chaos he caused.

...Serves him right, really. He doesn't bother getting up, just stares through his one clear eye at the distant ceiling. "Um. Hello, Miss Mason."


feedislive December 5 2011, 06:08:42 UTC
Georgia doesn't move right away, just stands there watching him and taking a few seconds to just... appreciate this moment. She's only sorry she didn't get that on film.

Finally, she holsters her gun and starts carefully toward him, making sure to place her feet carefully on something solid before putting her full weight on it. There may not be zombies on the station, and quick healing may be easy, but she still doesn't want to twist an ankle here - if she does, she's certain something nasty would take that opportunity to fall through the rift on top of her.

"Hello, Steve. So... nice job, super soldier. What the hell just happened?"


usavatar December 5 2011, 06:24:03 UTC
"I lost my temper." He still hasn't moved. He probably should. But this is deceptively comfortable.

He would be very, very glad she didn't get it on film, if he knew she carried as many recording devices as she does. "Well... I was just trying to drill, but it wasn't-"

Sigh. "I lost my temper."


feedislive December 5 2011, 08:15:57 UTC
"At what, the junkyard? The space station? The universe in general?"

She stops beside him and holds out a hand to help him up. "You know, it's kind of reassuring to know you can lose your temper - makes you seem a little more human."


usavatar December 5 2011, 15:32:50 UTC
"Of course I'm human." He stares at George without taking her hand, alarm tinting his expression. That hits a little too close to what Schmidt said the first time they met face-to-face.

Steve finally reaches up to take her hand, more out of politeness than need, and climbs to his feet. "Do I really not seem like it?"

He'll get to the question of what he was losing his temper about once he... figures it out himself. Or he'll pretend he forgot she asked. He's liking the second option better


feedislive December 6 2011, 03:36:40 UTC
Georgia rolls her eyes a little at his response. She's starting to wonder if he'll ever get this, but she can try to explain.

"Technically, yeah, I'm pretty sure you're human," she says with an amused little snort. "In practice..."

She shrugs a little.

"People are selfish. They think of themselves first, they let things like fear and anger get the better of them, and they'll throw other people under the bus if it'll help them and the people they care about - or even if it's just easier than not doing that. It's not a judgement, it's just a fact. It's human nature, something to which you seem to be strangely immune. So it's nice to know you even have a temper, buried under all the too-good-to-be-realness."


usavatar December 6 2011, 07:10:31 UTC
"I know what people are like, Miss Mason." He dusts himself off a little, then gives up, instead checking his shield for dents and new chips in the paint.

Aside from one nick across the edge of the white star - the metal underneath unharmed - it's as pristine as ever.

"And I know that's not how they have to be. I know if you give people a chance, they can be a whole lot more." He stares down at the shield in silence, trying to put his thoughts together and not really pinning any down at all. "I miss my people. I miss my team. I miss fighting someone I know is wrong for a cause I know is right. It's only been... not even a month, but I miss it."


feedislive December 6 2011, 13:44:11 UTC
"I'm not saying you don't know that," she says with a little smile, this one remarkably free of irony. "I'm saying you don't act like... people. I'm saying it kind of freaks me out."

It surprises her a little that he actually answered the question - honestly, too. Okay, she's not sure he could be anything but honest, but he didn't have to tell her what was really on his mind either.

She frowns for a second, folds her arms over her chest, and glances away, scanning the junkyard for movement while she searches for a response. She feels like she should say something reassuring, or sympathetic, but... she's never been good with other people. That's what she keeps Shaun around for.

"I don't," she says finally, so quietly she's not even sure he'll be able to hear it if his ears are still ringing. She's not sure she wants him to hear it. "I'm grateful that I'm here, and scared out of my mind, and angry about more things than I can count. I'm worried about my team, and frustrated I can't help them, and I miss my job, and my van, and my ( ... )


usavatar December 6 2011, 14:51:29 UTC
He doesn't miss her discomfort, or the confession - though he has to focus past the resounding silence in his ears to catch everything ( ... )


feedislive December 6 2011, 16:04:11 UTC
Georgia flinches a little as he steps toward her - where she's from, people don't just invade other people's space without specific invitation unless they want to either being infected or being shot out of simple twitchy reflex - but his order to get down preempts any attempt to back away or punch him in the kidneys. She ducks, even pressing herself a little closer to make sure the shield covers both of them, and flinches again at the sound of the impacts on his shield.

Huh. Guess that thing's good for something after all.

And that's really all she has time to think before he picks her up and starts running. She lets out a startled, indignant sound somewhere between a yelp and a growl, nearly elbowing him in the side before she manages to turn the impulse into a flailing grab at his shoulder, like she doesn't entirely trust him not to drop her.


usavatar December 6 2011, 16:23:12 UTC
Steve staggers to a halt once they're out of the danger zone, setting George down at once, and flailing one hand in a gesture that means 'Give me a second' but looks more like a muscle spasm. "Sorry," he manages again. "I didn't really- I didn't know if you could. Keep up."

He's going to sit down now. He'll be fine within five minutes, but running for your life after fighting a small avalanche can take it out of a person.


feedislive December 6 2011, 16:30:41 UTC
She punches him in the side, hard as she can, before he can actually sit. Sorry, Steve, but saving her life gets you no gratitude from Georgia Mason. At least not in this case.

"What the hell?" she snaps, slamming her glasses back up the bridge of her nose - they'd slipped down during the run - and taking several quick steps back to regain a little of her personal space. "I have two legs, and they work just fine."


usavatar December 7 2011, 05:41:30 UTC
Fortunately for him, her punch doesn't hurt as much as a giant falling boulder. He pokes the place she hit him experimentally before looking up at her. "Sorry. I am - I kind of stopped thinking and just..."

Another little gesture. "It won't ha- well, I hope it doesn't happen it again."

He looks up at where the rift must be and frowns.


feedislive December 7 2011, 05:53:25 UTC
"You're forgiven," she says flatly, and a little resentfully. "I guess. Just don't grab me again."

Yeah, he had a valid reason. She gets that, and she appreciates not being flattened, but that doesn't mean she has to like physical contact with people not her brother.

She follows his gaze to the the rift, and grimaces a little. "Can we get out of here already?"


usavatar December 7 2011, 05:57:33 UTC
"Oh, sure." He winces a little as he gets up, resettles the shield, and leads the way out into the garden zone. The morning light and open air - simulated open air, whichever - are like a double slap after the noise and shadows of the junkyard. His one eye is still blurry with blood. Steve blinks a few times to try and clear it.

"Where's Shaun? I was starting to think you two never did anything on your own." It's not judgmental in the least - from art classes to back-alley fist fights, he and Bucky are and always have been the same way.


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