Who: Bucky and various other ENABLERS and OPEN and just threadjack people.
What: A bunch of people end up in a bar. Hijinks.
Where: The Silver Apple I am so sorry Ladon we'll try not to ICly destroy it.
When: Now.
Warnings: I...probably horrible things will happen. Will edit if there's death or people hit third base and are heading to home or
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So is this the going form of entertainment around here?
[Not that her armor couldn't handle it, but it'd be nice to at least try to avoid it.]
I think you're good.
[She'll take the seat and set her helmet on the table, glancing around at the other patrons, getting a sense of the layout and possible exits and cover -- some habits die hard.] So, what's good around here?
Have you been around here long? [Interrogstion, begin.]
( he's been on both ends of the interrogating scene more than once in the past few weeks, so he just shrugs again. )
A few weeks--not exactly picking out a summer home, yet.
What's the general attitude here, would you say? I know I'm not the only soldier here, but there seem to be a few civilians as well and everyone just seems ... thrown together. [Which might explain why she's at a bar in full armor.]
Near as I can tell? There's no pattern. There's like, a good handful of trained soldiers, like you said, and agents and the like. But then you've also got your random kids and a few techies and some really weird guys displaced in time... and I think I saw a talking horse.
Oh yes, I've seen those already. [Half of her expected to wake up back in her bunk at any moment.] With that kind of variety, I can only guess some of the inhabitants here are less then friendly ... ?
Guess we'll just have to wait and see. [She takes a thoughtful sip of her whiskey, pauses a moment, and then holds her hand out.] I'm Carolina, by the way. Agent Carolina, Project Freelancer.
( he shakes her hand, with a bit of a grin. ) Agent Clint Barton, with SHIELD.
I feel I'm in good company. So, what does Shield do, if I may ask?
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