
Nov 15, 2011 23:03

who ; Logan and various visitors
what ; For the past few weeks, Logan's been working on building a cabin in one of the garden zones, just so he can have a place to get away from everyone every once in awhile. However, he's finding it a little less solitary than he'd planned on...
where ; Garden Zone 5
when ; now!
warning(s) ; ...Logan.

It had taken a long time and a lot of work, finding the right trees, chopping them down and cutting them to size, sawing planks to make the floorboard. It had been an even longer time since he'd done anything like this, but Logan finds that the work comes right back to him, the wood rough and solid and familiar under his hands, the logs slotting into place just so.

Everything's too confusing here, too strange and full of threats and dangers and people who, frankly, he'd be just as happy never seeing again. But all he has to do is shut the wearable off, get far enough away from Charles' influence that his mind is his own again, and come here, and he can almost pretend he's back home.


It's hard work, and it takes a long time, but he's got nothing but time, and it feels good to be doing something real, watching the building come to life under his hands. He wedges a log more firmly into place and steps back, putting his hands on his hips and looking up. It's not anything close to done yet, but the structure before him is finally starting to look more like a cabin, and not a skeletal frame.

lucy tracy, bruce banner, the tardis, kurt "nightcrawler" wagner, agent washington | (ou), dug, deadpool, logan/wolverine

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