Here I am with all the pleasures of the first world... [OPEN]

Nov 06, 2011 17:46

what ; Steve isn't buying all this friendly robot junk and wants to know what the heck is going on here.
where ; Kurzweil
when ; Sunday
warning(s) ; Steve is confused, angry, a little bit scared - and he also picked up Thor's hammer while finding his way out of the Junkyard. SO THERE'S SOME POTENTIAL FOR INJURY.

It's the empty streets that get to him fastest, during the... sonogram's tour. No matter how many declarations of the place's capabilities she - it - gives, the feeling of abandonment makes his skin crawl. There's no ripped-up streets, no craters. It's like something Howard would build, but sterilized. Cleaned of human influence.

Several times he thinks he sees people as the platform turns a corner or goes past a side-street, but never anyone close enough to question.

When he's finally released from the 'tour', Steve stands for several moments in the middle of the street, holding on to the one useful thing he's found since getting thrown through the scree of the junkyard and into this mess. A soldier in a spangled uniform, holding a hammer that can't be considered anything but a weapon.

And then he starts walking. No attempts to hide, no tries for secrecy or stealth. Either the people who find him will be as confused as he is and warrant protecting, or they'll know more than he does - and he hopes for their sake they'll be willing to explain what the heck he's been thrown into.

He has his suspicions, but after everything he's seen, Steve's not ruling anything out.

agent washington | (ou), ladon ceto | (oc), steve rogers, poniko, tony stark, joe, marian hawke | (au), camille | (oc), ratchet, pietro 'quicksilver' lehnsherr, tron, jin tian (oc), fenris, optimus prime, nemesis prime, nepeta leijon

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