who: Rose Lalonde, Vriska Serket, potentially other members of Vriska's in-game guild.
what: Light players snipping at each other through the magic of MMORPGs.
when: Today.
warning(s): Snarky 13-year old girls.
Since Jade had found her in Kurzweil and brought her back to what had been affectionately dubbed "Striderhaus" (cue roll of the eyes), Rose more or less hadn't left Jade's room. She'd spent most of her time using her wearable to read archives, to gleam any information she could about what this place, as her usual method of flying around and ripping buildings out of the ground likely wouldn't yield the same benefits it had up until that point. Stupid vacuum of space. She tried to use this method to distract her from how much she hated Jack Noir, how much she wanted to just rip her Thorns out of her sylladex and start tearing this place apart until she found some way to go back to the Medium and kill him.
It didn't really work, and eventually, all the reading was starting to make it hard to focus her eyes, so she decided to take a break. She scanned the other options she found on her wearable, eventually finding something called "Everbreath of Fantasy". The name was just ridiculous enough to pique her interest, so she investigated.
...then she suddenly found herself on Hour 2 of customizing her character. It wasn't much longer after that before Zazzerpan the Learned was exploring the digital world that lay before him. Rose really had no idea what to expect from an MMORPG on a space station in the middle of nowhere, but it was the closest she'd been to legitimately enjoying herself since she had gotten to this place. She didn't really care.