Sep 11, 2011 18:29

Who: Jin Tian and his clockwork cats Tick and Tock; also, Skyfire, Sarah Connor, Jade Harley, Davesprite, Anon, Samus Aran, Ladon Ceto, Nepeta Leijon and Karkat Vantas. And anyone else who wants to join, really.
What: Jin got his ass kidnapped and mutated, so a gigantic rescue party has formed to find him.
Where: Garden Zone 12
When: After this post.
Warnings: A volcanic zone, children and a mutant dragon. IDEK yet lol, I'll add as necessary.

Tick and Tock sat side by side, silent, refusing to speak to anyone until everyone had arrived. They had about half a key turn of power left, good for about two hours so long as they were careful. They hoped they wouldn't need more than that. They had also been listening, ears and whiskers twitching, Tick's telescoping eye whirring away as they try to locate Jin Tian. Without his exact genetic match to go on it was difficult. They had to go by their own intuition as much as their technology.

Not far away, the dome of AM's facility rose up out of the volcanic rock, windowless, doorless, impenetrable.

Once everyone had assembled, they sat up straight and surveyed the rescuers.

"We will speak together to save time," they began. "You have all agreed to assist us in retrieving Jin Tian. However, his location has changed since last time."

They both turn their heads to look at AM's complex.

"AM's complex sits .6 miles to the West. Jin Tian is no longer there; he is somewhere else in this Zone. AM's interference and whatever it has done to Jin Tian makes it impossible to pinpoint him. Therefore we will divide into two teams."

"I will go with half of you," says Tick.

"I will go with the other half," says Tock.

"We will remain in contact via the wearables, however it is very likely that AM's signals will interfere with transmissions."

They pause and look at each other.

"It will not matter," says Tock. "What one of us knows--"

"--the other will also know."

They look up at the rescuers again. "Also keep in mind that Jin Tian may look unusual. We do not know exactly what AM has done to him. We will leave as soon as teams have been selected. We will retrieve Jin Tian. Without fail."

[ooc: Everyone can pick whichever team they want to be on. They're completely random, and I'll choose which team actually finds Jin later on. Teams don't have to be balanced, and don't worry about posting order either. Feel free to create sub-threads for characters to talk to each other as well :)]

davesprite, jade harley, anon | (au), skyfire | (au), samus aran, ladon ceto | (oc), karkat vantas, jin tian (oc), sarah connor, agent york | (au), nepeta leijon

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