who ;
illiterage y
noblefivewhat ; Two men walk into a bar; one man was so goddamn short he walked under it.
where ; The diveist dive in R06
when ; Pre-Potato event or whatever the fuck we're calling it now.
warning(s) ; Drinking and horribly misplaced flirtations
Fenris prided himself in knowing that if he hit the bottle each and everytime he was emotionally comprimised, he would be dead. Twice over. So really pounding a few back now was almost a celebration of his magnificent self-control. That said self-control was taking a vacation with the recently slain service droid behind the counter was moot point. He went to a lot of trouble finding a place well the hell away from anyone he knew personally, and he wasn't going to let something like a cut-off point stop him now.
Besides, the droid behind the counter was his mabari compainion's doing. Fenris wore himself out taking care of the baker's dozen that littered the que of stools behind him. This place was so stiff with their alcohol policies. Scratching the ear of the massive dog curled under his bar stool with a bare big-toe, Fenris sighed and poured himself another round.