Asphodel Quest Log: Team India

Aug 30, 2011 17:02

who; Team India (Thom, Bro, and Thane)
what; Fetch Quest!
where; somewhere down on Asphodel
warnings; tbd

Asphodel Quest Log: Team India

You and your Team have been called to meet at a shuttle bay, where you'll find an assortment of equipment relevant to the mission available (body armor, extreme weather gear, food and other supplies, climbing gear, machetes, knives, etc). Choose what you like from it or disdain anything besides the clothes on your back, it's up to you. Mechanized weapons like guns are not being provided, but rest assured you'll be able to find or steal some along the way once you're in enemy territory. Then it's time to gather round your guide, who is ...a tomato.

Don't focus on irrelevant information, she'll snap, if anyone comments. She explains that she is a fragment of a fragment, a chip inhabiting a physical form that will ensure her presence is not detected by her sisters, and she will take care of directions and hacking open stubborn security doors. Also, someone needs to carry her, and if you leave her behind, eat her, or feed her to birds, your Team will not be paid any credits even if they complete the rest of the mission.

She'll then proceed to upload logistical information to everyone's wearables, as well as an Asphodel Reference Guide. Whether you read this information or not is up to you.

Location: After a nice quiet shuttle ride down to the planet surface, you and your Team will be disembarking at one of the Carbon Factories. There you will be utterly ignored by the factory's legions of Drone Soldiers, except for the one that will escort you to the lift station where you will be sent down into the beginning of the Main Tunnel, which looks a bit like this, except not in space and not quite that large.

This nicely illuminated, smooth, and oxygenated tunnel will eventually give way to the Broken Tunnels, not quite as large, not quite as illuminated, and full of potholes and crumbling walls and treacherous shafts with no bottom in sight.

The Broken Tunnels will eventually turn to Worm Tunnels, which can narrow alarmingly and unexpectedly open up into large subterranean caverns. Be thankful you have a guide, because the Worm Tunnels are winding and treacherous.

Your destination is an Abandoned Underground Base. Unlike the other locations containing data discs, this structure is not under anyone's surveillance or specific control.

Equipment: Along the way you can find abandoned vehicles, some functional and some not, as well as standard FPS fare like ammunition, personal sidearms, shotguns, flamethrowers, etc. If you really cannot complete this mission without jumping a motorcycle over some kind of flaming obstacle while you rain bullets down on the drone guards, you will be at liberty to do so. Keep in mind however that the noisier you are in the tunnels, the more likely you are to attract worms, and that goes for vehicles as well as weapons.

Creatures: There's no telling what you might encounter in the tunnels. Subadult magamworms are any worms less than 20 feet long and still retaining their youthful spikes and jagged scales. They secrete acid from their saliva and also from in between the plates of their scales, and are faster, more agile, and more adept at spitting then their adult forms. Cave Slimes are less dangerous with their high visibility, being brightly colored, but in close proximity they can move surprisingly fast to latch onto and envelop a victim in order to suffocate and then slowly digest them. Slimes are actually more dangerous for their ability to interfere with a personal oxygen supply, or break down protective clothing or armor with their acidic digestive fluids. Ladies, you've seen enough hentai... Slimes will shrivel up if salt is thrown on them, and of course can't stand fire. Another potential enemy is the Rock Crab, which is usually a shy and non-hostile scavenger, but if a horde of them are disturbed from a meal, they can become aggressive. They will also follow your Team at a distance, scuttling away into side tunnels at the first sign of movement towards them or curling up and pretending to be boulders. They have also been known to approach sleeping or otherwise inert organics, mistaking them for corpses and trying to drag them off, and the larger specimens have claws that can snap shut with enough force to break bone.

Enemies: The closer your Team gets to the Underground Base, the more mechanical enemies they'll encounter. Drone Soldiers stalk the surrounding area, looking for anything out of place to open fire on. Depending how long they've been out there, some are rusted and near falling apart. Drone Sentries can take and dish out far more damage, but there are far fewer of them in residence. The Base itself has a few different types of motion sensing Turrets mounted to the walls or floors. Again, some of these are rusted and falling apart, or have long since run out of ammunition, but many are still operational. The Underground Base has a half dozen levels to explore.

If you take too long to complete your mission, or if you're too loud, or simply unlucky, your Team will attract the attention of an Adult Magmaworm. An adult is any worm over 20 feet long. Their hide is nigh impenetrable unless you can get at the softer tissue underneath the scales. Weak points are the inside of their mouths, which unfortunately are lined with rows of harder than diamond fangs and full of acidic saliva. Worms are also capable of spitting their acid, although adults tend to simply rely on brute strength to crush enemies or collapse tunnels on them. It is very, very hard to kill a worm.

Objective: Evade or disable drones and get inside the building. Navigate the dingy interior and evade or disable even more Drones and Turrets. The data disc you're after will be in the very depths of the building in the Vault, a totally ordinary room with a huge security door, which your guide will helpfully open for you. There are no enemies in the Vault itself, but there will be a great deal of enemies in the rooms surrounding, which is how you can tell if you're getting close. In the center of the Vault you'll find a raised console, and the data disc can be found inside, waiting to be ejected or copied. Once you have stolen or copied the disc, get out as fast as you can before anything else in the area takes notice.

Got all that? Good. Or maybe you didn't read it, and that's fine too. As long as one of your Team is alive to carry Hypatia back, she doesn't really care what happens to the others.

Anyway, the final preparations have all been made, and it's time to pile into the shuttle for your ride down to the planet. Good luck, kids.

((OOC Notes: If you prefer to start your log at the initial rendezvous site or in the shuttle,, feel free. Also please determine your preferred posting order/logging style, action or prose, and add your own character tags to the entry if you see they're missing. Contact me if there are any questions or concerns!))

bro strider, noble seven | thom 293, thane krios

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