Sacrosanct Quest Log: Jungle Base (Team Alpha)

Aug 28, 2011 18:51

who; Team Alpha (Charles, Kiki, Kurt, Dug, Jade)
where; somewhere in Garden Zone 8
when; w/e
warnings; tbd

Sacrosanct Quest Log: Jungle Base

You and your Team have been called to meet at a certain teleportation console, where you'll find an assortment of equipment relevant to the mission available (body armor, extreme weather gear, food and other supplies, climbing gear, machetes, knives, etc). Choose what you like from it or disdain anything besides the clothes on your back, it's up to you. Mechanized weapons like guns are not being provided, but rest assured you'll be able to find or steal some along the way once you're in enemy territory. Then it's time to gather round your guide, who is ...a lemon.

Don't focus on irrelevant information, she'll snap, if anyone comments. She explains that she is a fragment of a fragment, a chip inhabiting a physical form that will ensure her presence is not detected by her sisters, and she will take care of directions and hacking open stubborn security doors. Also, someone needs to carry her, and if you leave her behind, eat her, or feed her to birds, your Team will not be paid any credits even if they complete the rest of the mission.

She'll then proceed to upload logistical information to everyone's wearables. Whether you read this information or not is up to you.

Location: Once you and your Team step through that teleporter, you will find yourselves in Garden Zone 8, a Jungle environment. Your destination is an Abandoned Military Base several miles away from your teleporter starting location. Hypatia will give you your heading and after a mile or so you should discover an old overgrown dirt road heading straight towards the Base.

Equipment: Along this road you can find abandoned vehicles, some functional and some not, as well as standard FPS fare like ammunition, personal sidearms, shotguns, flamethrowers, etc. If you really cannot complete this mission without jumping a motorcycle over some kind of flaming obstacle while you rain bullets down on the drone guards, you will be at liberty to do so.

Creatures: Like most Jungles, this one is full of things with teeth that don't like you. There are dinosaurs in the area, as well as Pandora animals like viperwolves, thanators, and these things. Fight or flee, there are plenty of convenient cliffs with rivers at the bottom to jump off if you get cornered.

Enemies: The closer your Team gets to the Base, the more mechanical enemies they'll encounter. Drone Soldiers stalk the surrounding forest, looking for anything out of place to open fire on. Depending how long they've been out there, some are rusted and near falling apart. Drone Sentries can take and dish out far more damage, but there are far fewer of them in residence. The Base itself has a few different types of motion sensing Turrets mounted to the walls or floors. Again, some of these are rusted and falling apart, or have long since run out of ammunition, but many are still operational. Although it may not appear large from the outside, the Base also has at least half a dozen floors hidden below ground to explore.

The Hypatia fragment lurking in this Outpost also has access to a Type 47 Ultra Heavy Assault Platform, aka a Scarab, which she will call in as her reinforcements once the data disc has been stolen or accessed in order to copy. The Scarab will destroy the Base in trying to find and kill your Team, and will chase you back to the teleporter even though it is too large to go through after you. Its weak points are its knee joints and engine, which is easiest to target if you are above it or can get inside its chassis. If your Team cannot defeat the Scarab you can certainly outrun it or scatter into the jungle. Just mind the range of its lasers.

Objective: Evade or disable drones and get inside the building. Navigate the dingy interior and evade or disable even more Drones and Turrets. The data disc you're after will be in the very depths of the building in the Vault, a totally ordinary room with a huge security door, which your guide will helpfully open for you. There are no enemies in the Vault itself, but there will be a great deal of enemies in the rooms surrounding, which is how you can tell if you're getting close. In the center of the Vault you'll find a raised console, and the data disc can be found inside, waiting to be ejected or copied. Once you have stolen or copied the disc, get out as fast as you can before the Scarab in the area is brought online.

Got all that? Good. Or maybe you didn't read it, and that's fine too. As long as one of your Team is alive to carry Hypatia back, she doesn't really care what happens to the others.

Anyway, the final preparations have all been made, and you step through the teleporter to be greeted with humidity and lush vegetation. Good luck, kids.

((OOC Notes: If you prefer to start your log at the initial rendezvous site rather than stepping through the teleporter into the Garden Zone, feel free. ALSO edit the post tags if I've got them wrong, and choose whatever logging style you prefer, action or prose or w/e))

kiki, charles xavier, dug, kurt "nightcrawler" wagner, jade harley

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