
Aug 12, 2011 00:28

who ; Dave Strider and Jade Harley
what ; When your house mysteriously burns to the ground, it is time to go shopping for a new one.
where ; Residential Zone 02
when ; August 12th, some decent hour to go house shopping.
warning(s) ; Adorable? Dave being a dick?

[ Dave had told her to pick a Zone, and Jade instinctively wanted to move away from 06. She knew that the Striders lived for gaming, but the looming thought of their burned-out house stuck in her mind to the point that she was scared of living near it. Jade couldn't face the thought that it was her fault that this all happened. Not that she told anyone -- she was pretty sure they all knew anyway, though she couldn't quite remember it.

So she had picked Zone 02, near the science museum. Jade had been there before, though it was eerily silent. She loved the idea of science as a thing you could chronicle, and she placed her fingers against the glass curiously every time she went, though she got yelled at by the security drones. Now, she stood with Dave in one of the residential areas, looking at the surrounding buildings. ]

Okay, how do you pick a house? I've never done this before.

dave strider, jade harley

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