Shepard's lawn party. (OPEN)

Oct 24, 2010 21:03

who ; Everyone who wants show up.
what ; Shepard has a few crates of Ryncol and Bonk. She's set up in park and is generally enjoying a bottle of Krogan liquor.
where ; Garden Zone 01.
when ; Noonish.
warning(s) ; None so far.

It really was a pleasant little plaza, right on the edge of the first Garden Zone. All sunshine and birds in the trees. It was, unfortunately, close to the junkyard and thus the easiest location to drag those heavy ass crates to.

Hence: it really was a pleasant little plaza.

All the scrape marks and gouges from the steel crates, and the various, glaring red skulls on them didn't really add to the local decor. But, detrimental aesthetics aside, the crates were stuffed to the brim with Ryncol and a handful of other libations she'd managed to liberate from the mountains of scrap. That was worth a few broken birdbaths.

(OOC: PS: I figure threadjacking is fair game, guys, I don't care, it is a party after all. Sitting around drinking with Shep might be awesome, but there's a world full of questionably sober people to pick fights with talk to.)

t-800, red | (au), sollux captor, noble five, commander jane shepard | (au), agent york | (au), {...}, maj. motoko kusanagi

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