Jul 04, 2011 18:31

who ; Gibson and YOU.
what ; Science! Also probably some bitching about the sun.
where ; Gibson-the-district, aka Zone R05.
when ; Right now.
warning(s) ; … probably not.

[Gibson is outside, voluntarily, while the sun is out. You may want to take a picture or something, because this is never going to happen again.

He's commandeered the largest outside table available at one of the coffeeshops in Gibson-the-district, then promptly covered half of it with the pieces of something trapezoidal, metallic, and faintly glowy. (There's also a small cup of coffee placed in the corner farthest away from everything Gibson's doing, clearly ordered just to make the drones shut up and leave him alone--although one very suicidal persistent drone swings by periodically to make sure he doesn't need a refill.)

For those in the know, it looks like Gibson hacked together an ETC, then took it apart and scattered the guts across a table. Adding the ability to convert sunlight to Grid energy should have been about as complex as rigging one to convert electrical energy, but it was proving surprisingly frustrating so far. Still, he's going to find a way to make this work. The sun is ridiculous and inefficient and a total waste of energy, but dammit, Gibson is going to turn that into an advantage… somehow.

For those not in the know… hey, a glowy shirtless guy has taken over part of a coffeeshop's patio. For SCIENCE.]

[ooc: Open to prose or actiontags!]

tron, gibson, kevin flynn, anon | (au), raimi matthews

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