Oh yeah, it's your birthday [OPEN]

Jul 03, 2011 14:52

What: It's Bro Strider's birthday. He's having the most motherfucking awesome party ever (for some values of "awesome" and "party")
When: JULY THIRD, ALL DAY, ALL NIGHT into July 4th
Where: Garden Zone 13, on the beach.

We gonna party and have some fun )

davesprite, gamzee makara | (au), john egbert, vriska serket, jade harley, camille | (oc), toothless, bro strider, donkey kong, astrid hofferson, jack noir | (au), gamzee makara, dave strider | (au), hiccup

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THE BAR, THE BOOZE, AND THE ... OTHER SUBSTANCES puppetfetishist July 3 2011, 18:55:39 UTC
Oh my god this is the tackiest tiki bar you have ever seen. Bamboo? Check. Rattan roof? Check. Cheesy rainbow fish lights? Yep. The bar is open, and nobody's actually tending it. Behind said bar? Freaking CRATES of every libation imaginable. Do they have Ryncol? DO THEY EVER.

Next to the bar are bags of... ... yeah that's weed alright. and the proper implements for smoking it.

Around the area are waterproof beanbag chairs and lounge chairs along with tiny tables. ENJOY.


ape_in_a_tie July 4 2011, 00:15:05 UTC
As of one minute before he came upon this space station, Donkey Kong mentally declared all Tikikind his enemy.

This hasn't changed. Which is why he's currently in a staredown with one of the ones hanging upon the bar. It's clearly fake, it's clearly not about to leap out and start making hypnotic music, but this seems to pass completely over DK's head.

No, instead he is staring at it, eyes narrowed, a staring contest of Kong vs Tiki. And as soon as it blinks, he is going to punch it. Repeatedly. But first he has to establish his authority. His eyes are starting to hurt at this point, but he will not back down.


parasomnist July 4 2011, 18:23:16 UTC
There is a giant monkey staring at a tiki mask.

Alex has long since given up trying to determine if she's awake or dreaming. In fact, she's not sure she cares anymore, because being awake has abruptly become interesting enough to bother with.

She observes the staring contest, then coughs, politely.

"Ah, are you... alright?"


ape_in_a_tie July 10 2011, 20:20:15 UTC

One hand flies up towards Alex, holding a finger up in a distinct, 'hold on' gesture. He is not done yet do not distract him.


oh god sopor_pies July 4 2011, 02:59:10 UTC
Gamzee is here. He is here with his miracle modus.

Within his miracle modus is contained no less than 413 slime pies.

He is ready. He is so ready.


oh man manipul8trix July 4 2011, 09:03:35 UTC
Vriska is also here. She is here with her LOOK OF EXTREME TREPIDATION. Yeah, it deserves its own bolded courier capslock title. That's how trepidatory it is.

Not that she's going to take back her offer of hanging with Gamzee, god. That would be absconding, and absconding is for weak little fudgebloods! Besides. It's just a dumb pie. What harm can it possibly do?

(Oh god oh man oh man oh god oh man oh god)

"Okay, Gamzee. Let's get this over with. Pie me."


oh god oh man sopor_pies July 4 2011, 15:40:54 UTC
He grins at her. Oh hell yes, it's always so nice to help other people be all getting their chill on.

"Aww yee, my invertesister. You best all up and be prepared for the motherfucking all most bitchtitsing time of your all at being. Shit's all being a miracle, my sister."

He decaptchalogues a pie and holds it out toward her with a sort of ridiculous amount of solemnity and gravity.


oh god oh ma-- oh god I just heard a little honk manipul8trix July 4 2011, 16:17:17 UTC
"Uh. Right. Exactly. It sure is going to be that... thing you just said." Vriska takes the pie, sniffs at it cautiously, and blinks.

She half expects the fucking thing to blink back.

When it fails to do so - largely because it has no eyes and also because that would be incredibly silly - she gives it a doubtful poke. "So I just. Use my hands? Or should I find a spoon?"

After a moment, she licks the sopory mess off her finger. Huh. Tangy.


honk. HONK. sopor_pies July 5 2011, 03:17:13 UTC
"You can all up and motherfucking use a spoon if you're all being up and inclined to be all doing that," Gamzee says with an expansive shrug. "Or you can all be just all at with using your claws and all shit."

He demonstrates by decaptchaloging another pie for himself and just scooping out a handful to shovel it in his mouth. He grins as he watches Vriska taste her pie. It's like watching Eridan eat his first pie! The miracle of a new beginning is what it is.


BRB PAGING KANAYA OK manipul8trix July 5 2011, 11:52:56 UTC
Welp. Time to follow that old Alternian saying: 'when in Troll Rome, do as the Troll Romans do or Troll Caegar will fucking thresh you in the face'. With considerably less enthusiasm than Gamzee, Vriska scoops up a small handful of pie and chomps it down.

Well, this isn't such a big deal. It's just pie. We all need to just settle down here and check out all these fucking miracles.



aww shit son sopor_pies July 5 2011, 22:33:21 UTC
You don't want to mess with Troll Caegar. Or Troll Gamzee. When he has pie or. Anything really.

He slings an arm around her shoulders when it's clear the rainbows have kicked in. "Con-all-motherfucking-gratulations, sister. You've all up and been taken a step into a larger all motherfucking world." He sweeps his other arm out to indicate the entirety of that world. "How are those motherfucking all at miracles even all being looking, sister?"


manipul8trix July 5 2011, 22:53:55 UTC
"It's. They look."

It's a fucking miracle (hurr) that she doesn't shove Gamzee's arm away, considering how touchy she is about physical contact. But no! Vriska is far too busy looking at stuff. She stares. She lifts her glasses and stares without them. Then she repeats the motion a couple of times before realising oh wow those glasses are so fucking shiny and, like, glass is a miracle because it's there but it's like. Invisible. You can see it and see through it at the same time. How does that even work, just. God.




sopor_pies July 5 2011, 23:32:15 UTC
"I know, sister. I know."

He is totally content to just stare at all this amazing awesome miraculousness that is all around them all the time. Because miracles are always everywhere and they are just so beautiful.


puppetfetishist July 4 2011, 18:20:18 UTC
Bro comes on over with a bowl all ready for smoking. He figures that it is time for some cultural exchange.

The fact that Gamzee is thirteen is entirely irrelevant.

"Okay, so, humans have some shit that's like your magic pie here," he says. "We call it weed, and you smoke it. So I'm all up and proposing a cultural exchange, here. I teach you to smoke, you give me pie, everything is miracles."


sopor_pies July 5 2011, 03:27:05 UTC
Gamzee blinks at him in confusion. Or it might be confusion. Who can ever tell with Gamzee?

"Aww shit, you motherfucking smoke shit? And you can all be about all getting your all motherfucking chill on that way? Fuck. That's fucking all shit all amazing and motherfuck. Hell yeah, motherfucker, I all wanna be at getting the sweet shit infoload about all that shit."

He decaptchalogues a pie and presents it to Bro. "And here you all go, Bro bro, the sweet all motherfucking miraculous slime."


why do I play a character who gives drugs to minors WHY puppetfetishist July 5 2011, 04:01:17 UTC
Bro takes the pie, then hands over the bowl and a lighter.

"You gotta light the stuff and then breathe it in like this; it's a pipe, y'see? Dunno if trolls have that."

He then takes two fingerfuls of pie and, well... bottoms up.

Huh. Kind of limey.


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