Jul 02, 2011 01:59

who ; reunified & notyourchauffer
what ; Laundry. Cleaning. Similar domestic horrors.
where ; Deadhaus.
when ; some...time...
warning(s) ; Nnn.

He'd brought this upon himself, but that didn't stop him from pulling a face as he inspected a pair of underpants that were definitely not his with a sense of businesslike detachment. Unable to indentify just who they belonged to he shrugged to himself, neatly folded them, and tossed them on the 'unsure' pile for later sorting.

There were two piles beside it, one for each resident of the apartment, composed entirely of clothing he'd found either on the floor or simply piled up in various corners or on pieces of furniture--unsure what was clean and what was dirty he'd just washed it all, using the time between changing loads to vacuum and tidy up whatever caught his eye.

It wasn't even his apartment. He'd just stopped by and sort of... started picking up out of mild disgust (and for lack of anything better to do). Now he was standing in someone else's home, doing their laundry, cleaning their floors, rearranging their shelves, and. Uh. Trying to match up their socks. Funny how things tended to snowball.

It was probably a sign that he needed a hobby. Badly.

michael altman, skyfire | (au)

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