The Land of Frost and Spring

Jun 16, 2011 18:05

Who: Jade Harley and Jaedri Harleigh
What: Playing in the snow!
Where: Garden Zone 16
When: Fairly shortly after the species swap event.
Warning(s): It's pretty cold.

Jade had told her that zones "five, six and sixteen"  had snow in them. Jaedri hadn't really debated the three of them extensively, since she'd never been to any of them before (there was still a lot of the station she wanted to explore, and she was glad she was getting the chance). She'd just picked 16 at random, and been on her way. Jade had also mentioned that the zones were big, and it may take a while to find any particularly snowy deposits, but she had come prepared for that!

As soon as she was out of the teleporter, she was taking to the air in her Iron Lass suit, her Compu-Goggles situated firmly atop her eyeballs. One of the first things Jaedri had done upon arriving on the station was using her goggles to try and see the entirety of it. It wasn't until the first time she'd used the teleporters to go to a different zone that she'd realized it was, in fact, way bigger than her first look would indicate. Some experimentation followed and she had quickly learned that, for whatever reason, the range of her goggles was narrowed to one zone now. That was a considerable downgrade from "literally all of space", and she wouldn't be surprised if there were still some dark pockets somewhere being kept from her. She couldn't use them to see anything outside of the station, but she would worry about all of that when it became relevant, and for the moment at least, it was pretty far from her mind.

More to the point, it didn't take a particularly long time for her to do a quick once-over of the zone with her goggles. To her elation, that included finding a very inviting looking snowy valley. Her boots roared as she shot through the skies towards her destination.

Once she arrived, she quickly swapped her cumbersome Iron Lass suit for her much more comfortable dress, jacket and squiddlesneaks. Excited as she was, she barely remembered to send a message to Jade.

-- gardenGnostic [GG] began pestering gardenGnostic [GG] --

GG: hey jade!
GG: i found a valley in zone G16!!!
GG: theres snow eeeeeeeeeeeeeverywhere!!!!!!
GG: you gotta come here! just use the goggles to find me!
GG: see you soon! :)

That done, she rubbed her hands together to get some warmth going between them (note to self: make some squiddlemitts later...) and quickly got down to business. She started packing snow together, putting it into the shape of a white paw or at least as close as she could approximate.

jade harley, jade harley (au)

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