01 ♌ text

Jan 03, 2011 17:04

:33 < *ac slinks carefully into the new room with her ears flat against her head and claws at the ready*
:33 < *she does not recognize this area of the veil and as such is wary of any dangers the unfurmiliar land might hold!*
:33 < *that purrhaps the transpurrtalizers are simply acting up has occurred to her but it is better to be safe than sorry*
:33 < so equius or terezi or karkat or any of you others could you purrlease tell me how to get back
:33 < and i guess if im really not in the veil anymore there are others here besides me! so if you want to answer too that would be purrticularly helpful
:33 < we can purrlay a game while i wait for my furiends to get back to me :))
:33 < oh *ac says all of this very seriously*

nepeta leijon

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