Jan 01, 2012 00:20
[Have a Kim, Sacrosanct. She's flustered, freaked out, hair is everywhere and she's in a small dark room with no visible door.
Oh, and that wild look in her eye? Yeah, that's...that can't be good. Happy New Years]
kimiko ross (au)
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Should I proceed with Saving Kimiko Plan Beta? Where are you, anyway?
[She gives the wearable a little shake as if to force Jade to focus. Because Jade is the one flipping out here, clearly]
Jade. Jade, something's happened. I. I need your advice. I-I-I'm not sure what to do, and I don't think I can give an objective opinion on the topic- Jade.
Say something.
Oh god. I think I'm hyperventilating. Oh. Oh, this is bad.
[ that is one way to get her to stop freaking out right ]
I am coming over right now. [ MAYBE. Looking a little bit wobbly; tiny girl, lots of champagne. ] Okay, well I am coming over. Let me extract myself from the Daves and then I will be there. Do not panic, okay?
[Yes. Yes she can. The threat shuts Kim up for all of ten seconds, then she explodes again]
No, I. Just stay there. I'm calm! I need...
[Oh god why did she make this call again? OH YEAH. Fuck. Breathing is so overrated.]
I. You- The Daves.
Dating advice? Did you have a nice New Year's?
After a few minutes of flailing...have some text, Jade. Nica, safe, nonthreatening text.]
I kissed Protoman. At midnight.
Everyone has been kissing lately. I know it's just fungi again. This was in a clean zone!!!!!!!
[Kim feels a little bit dirty, using all those exclamation points, but she honestly can't find any way to be more emphatic about this.]
How do you tell if a boy is a boyfriend. Also, he's a robot so that might |
be significant.
you mean the guy with the helmet and the stoicism and THAT protoman????
kimiko i think if he kissed you he must like you!
especially if it was in a clean zone
i mean i do not know if it means you are dating but it might mean that
[Because just asking him like a normal person WOULD BE INSANE.]
Even so, it seems like the kind of thing that's situationally mitigated. Aren't midnight kisses meant to be tradition?
Don't even get me started on the Mistletoe. That was just.
I'm going to pretend that most of it never happened.
if he acts differently around you than around anyone else, that could be a sign
or does he seem to be spending a lot more time with you????
yes i am too!
it was
weird O__O
I think it was something about Dr Light. It's none of my business.
hehe awwwww he likes you
this is so cute omg
Chica, one kiss doesn't mean he's your boyfriend. A lot more has to go on before anything's official. Him being a robot has jack shit to do with anything unless you ain't into robots, which from what I know of you is the opposite of true.
So tell me more about your relationship to Protobro. What do you two do when you're together usually, what kinda stuff do you talk about.
[HOW DID YOU GET INTO THIS POST. Kim only now realizes, to her horror, how public this has been.]
Uh. We build things, mostly. There's an ongoing overhaul of a drag racer going on, but. It's been a little stalled lately.
[Wait, wait, focus.]
He's my primary tester, before Jade. I repair him sometimes? We do a lot of upgrades...
[Are upgrades romantic? After a moment of thought, Kim decides that having someone's arm-canon open on your lap while it's still attached to him is probably pretty intimate, now that she thinks about it.]
He was kidnapped by Shodan once. I guess I rescued him. He's mostly self-rescuing, so I'm not sure if that counts?
[Ohgod she sounds like some kind of virgin shut-in. Which she is, of course, but that's not the point!]
I have had a boyfriend before.
[Sweet cover-up, Kim!]
[Just because it's ridiculous, it doesn't follow that she's lying. But she listens all the way through tot he contract part before getting distracted by her realization that...
Well. Vonnie would probably require her to get a contract. Oh, fuck, not paperwork! Being single is so much simpler!]
How in any way is everything you just said 'not complicated'.
[You are a huge mess of contradiction and lies, Bro Strider.]
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