[Eleanor is sitting at a small table in her bedroom which is still at mutanthaus I believe, her phone resting on the far side of the table to film her. There's a small Christmas tree on the floor behind her, with a little pile of torn up wrappings under it. But her phone is mostly focusing on what is on the table, which appears to be a
large, slightly decorated glass phylactery and a rather unsettling looking needle. Eleanor is staring at them as if she can't decide what to make of them, and eventually her gaze flicks to her phone itself.]
I found this wrapped up beneath that tree this morning. Don't know where it came from...or the tree, honestly. Mother never celebrated holidays, I suppose that rubbed off on me, I didn't even think to get one.
[She shrugs after a moment and her attention shifts back to the present.]
It's a plasmid. From Rapture, where I come from. But it's...not labeled. It could be anything, really, there were a few dozen types, at least, different...injections. From the color, I'd guess it's something active. Fireballs or lightning bolts, maybe. Or bees.
...I won't know until I use it. I'm just...
[She smiles weakly.]
Not certain I should. But there's no other way to know what it is.