Nov 30, 2011 20:32
FIRST THINGS FIRST, to my unnamed friend - yes you are my friend, stop making that face - your compliment of the day is that I'm glad you're my friend, because you make my life more interesting. In a good way. [ makes a heart with her hands ] Deal with it, jackass!
[ she grins, and continues ]
Everything else second, I need beta readers for my writing! Back home I just had Maggie or someone read it before I posted it, but they're not here, so I need new people! I think Nepeta was interested in my stuff, right? So, yeah, anyone who wants a sneak peek at the amazing dramatic romance serial I'll be posting soon, just drop a line here! I'll pick three or four, probably, if anyone's actually interested.
Also, if anyone needs any encryption work or electronics-building or coding done, I am hiring myself out for a couple credits per job. It's nothing big and official yet, I figure I can get a couple jobs under my belt first before I try to set up some kind of self-employed business thingy. Anyone who needs a third party opinion on my skills, talk to Shaun and G-- um, Shaun Mason. I set up the servers for his site back home.
buffy meissonier