
Nov 24, 2011 00:10

Wanted: Volunteers for scientific survey of Sacrosanct tech resource locations and salvage.

must be willing/able to traverse long distances unaided by teleporters
weapons training recommended
technical and/or medical training a bonus
credits/free food available

Interested parties please reply ASAP.

[Locked to: Godric] )

kimiko ross (au), shaun mason

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[action] robodidactic December 1 2011, 17:55:28 UTC
[There's a cough of static, like someone's scoffed into the microphone which has handily interpreted it as interference.]

Just don't shoot anything and go through decontam like a normal person, okay?

[Normal is relative, and Kimiko is finally, after all this time, starting to shift her own version from 'other people' to herself. Crazy people do normal people things when the world is full of insanity. Normal is for the survivors.

Regardless of anyone's normalcy quotient the door is, in fact, an airlock. It seals with an expensive-sounding thuck behind them and the remainder of the room-sized mechanism goes about its business with all the usual sprays, pumps, gasses and indicators. When the lights turn green and everything's been cycled through and decontaminated the door on the other side unlatches itself and hangs loose. The bright lights in the airlock go out, giving way to the comfortably cave-like dimness that dominates the rest of the lab.

It's a two-acre square interior space crowded with a landscape built from haphazard scrap metal, truly enormous shelving units, half-built vehicles and robots in all states of disrepair. Here and there among the gloom cones of light punctuate from the directional heads of desk-lamps and spotlights. Somewhere up above a stadium-light sized array of blacklights illuminates a series of glowing white electronic diagrams painted directly onto the enormous steel face of what appears to be a giant robot. Here and there little LCD eyes peer out from the cracks in red or green or blue, and- there!

Straight ahead, lit indirectly by a combination of an aged desk-lamp and a bank of excessively large LCDs is one Kim Ross, who swivels to look at them when the airlock chimes "cycle completed."]

...Wel- [Almost said 'Welcome Back.' That probably wouldn't sit well.] -come to the lab.

[Smooth, Ross. Super smooth.]



[action] feedislive December 2 2011, 03:19:56 UTC
[ The decon procedure actually makes Georgia relax a little. Sure, no one here is concerned about live KA, for fairly good reason, but proper safety procedures still seem like the only safe, sane thing to do in a place like this. She finds herself wondering if she could talk Ross into helping them set up something like this at their own place...

Her eyebrows shoot up a little as she focuses on the interior of the lab. She can't say she isn't impressed, just by the sheer scale of the space and its contents. Her gaze snaps to Kimiko when she speaks, and she smiles a little. ] No, thank you. He'll take some, though.


[action] needs_answers December 2 2011, 09:19:10 UTC
[Shaun brightened at the mere mention of decon; the offer of coffee has him practically beaming. Even if he has to squint in the dimness; then again, he's sort of used to lower light areas for George's sake, so.]

Thank you. Just tell me where, you don't need to get up.

[His mouth twists, kind of catching the misstep.] Right, so, since I haven't been around here before, I'm guessing you're the one who gave George the vaccine when we were singing, right? I didn't ask who it'd been, but that's my guess. I mean, it's not like we spend all that much time all alone, so... yeah.

[Shrugs. He's not usually the one having the insights, but then, George doesn't remember things, so he has to exert himself...]


[action] robodidactic December 2 2011, 19:29:17 UTC

[She tilts her chin down a little, as if examining him over a pair of invisible sunglasses, then points to a corner that is slightly less dim than others- an unsteady table under the burden of a pair of very expensive-looking probably-stolen espresso machines. With accompanying leaning tower of possibly-filthy coffee mugs, Bonus!]


[Faced with a new George and with Shaun being as invasive as he usually is...Kimiko momentarily forgets why she asked them here.]

OH! Uh- the project. [SCRABBLING FURIOUSLY] I'm. Building an observational array for. The. Teleporters. And I need supplies!


[action] feedislive December 3 2011, 03:50:50 UTC
Right. I guess I owe you an apology for being kind of a bitch the first time w- I talked to you. That wasn't my best day ever.

[ Georgia leaves Shaun to get his coffee while she toward Kimiko, glancing curiously at a few half-finished projects as she passes them. She stops a couple yards away, because Kimiko seems a little jumpy and Georgia doesn't particularly want to make that worse. ]

That... doesn't sound like something that requires weapons training.


[action] robodidactic December 3 2011, 04:24:03 UTC
Well...You wouldn't think so...

[She rubs absently at the back of her neck, then stands so she can dig through one of the assorted piles of junk.]

I figured you were having problems when replies cut off after a few minutes. Last time this happened you were hyperventilating about zombies, so I decided not to bother until I had some kind of update.

[Not one of Kim's experiences with zombies has been while she was armed, and so she has a fairly pragmatic approach to zombie invasions: lock yourself inside and they will eventually go away.]

It must have worked out. Eh.

[EPIC SHRUG! Honeycyborg don't give a sh-]

Ah! Here. [A memory card! It's super tiny, super shiny, and it's for you, George.]

Salvage map. The station drones and robotic hospital workers might or might not let you just take whatever you want, but I've seen people destroy them with handguns before. Besides, it's stupid to send people looking for things in places like this unless they're capable of defending themselves.


[action] needs_answers December 3 2011, 14:25:26 UTC
[Shaun snorts from behind the pile of mugs.

Which he will wash.

Because he keeps his equipment in good condition, and coffee mugs are totally equipment. Shut up.

Point being, yeah, it had worked out. And the fewer people involved, the better.]

Can you give out more details what and when and where you did see? I mean, was it in a case of emergency, when the station's resources are engaged all over the place, or did it happen in the quiet? Do you know what happened with those robots afterwards? I mean, since most of the place kind of relies on them for things like health care...

[Not that he is complaining. But does want to know the details so he knows what they're up against.]


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