
Nov 24, 2011 00:10

Wanted: Volunteers for scientific survey of Sacrosanct tech resource locations and salvage.

must be willing/able to traverse long distances unaided by teleporters
weapons training recommended
technical and/or medical training a bonus
credits/free food available

Interested parties please reply ASAP.

[Locked to: Godric] )

kimiko ross (au), shaun mason

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TEXT; usavatar November 24 2011, 06:19:11 UTC
I qualify, at least in the first two categories. How can I help?


TEXT; robodidactic November 25 2011, 02:04:56 UTC

[That's not the right answer. nealfnqafjda No you cannot come over you cannot come over to her lab, then you will know where it is and you might come over at other times.

Ohgod. You might even try to rescue her, if there's an emergency. That would be horrifying.]


[But if you don't come over then. This won't be secure. The ingrained need to hide progress from authority until project completion is too much.]

You [Should? Need? No, no, no, no...] have to [perfect.] come to my lab.

[Location ping!]

It's easier to explain in person.


text to action usavatar November 25 2011, 03:11:16 UTC

[And then there was a steve outside her lab. I am tagging from a gas station. This is my level of dedication.]


action! robodidactic November 25 2011, 16:39:32 UTC
[She's not just gonna hide in there while Steve hangs around outside, and spy on him with the surveillance cameras, is she?]

[Yep. That's what she's doing. She'd open the door if she weren't paralyzed with feelings.]


ACTION.... FOREVER...... usavatar November 25 2011, 22:47:38 UTC
[He waits, knocks, bounces on his heels. He's starting to wonder if somehow he got the wrong place.]

[He knocks again.] Hello? Um. Miss Ross? Or... Dr. Ross?


akshung robodidactic November 28 2011, 00:27:10 UTC
[Right. Time to...Do Something! Anything.

The door opens with a hermetic hiss, and Kim peers around the corner as if she were expecting an attack, all five feet and three inches of her. Okay. Okay, Ross. You can do this. He's just...a person.]


[This is going so well!]


akshung usavatar November 28 2011, 02:36:06 UTC
Hello. [Here stands the most unintimidating 6'2" supersoldier ever. When he's being friendly. Which he is.]

[Friendly and a little nervous, given the way she's acting.] Um. Did you- er. Should I- ...Did you want me to come in, or talk... out here?


robodidactic November 28 2011, 04:22:50 UTC
[She'll just...staaaaaaaare for a mo- oh crap he asked a question!]

In. Please.

[An aneurism would be amazing, right now. Or a rift in the floor beneath her. Enormous time-space moles that conveniently emerge just at the point of greatest embarrassment, and devour you whole, that'd be the best.]



This is ridiculous. Eventually Kim manages to master the door of her own design and shepherd the superheroic appleface into her dimly lit mad scientist's lair. At that point we may count it a miracle that she manages to remember that guests require hot beverages.]


[Or maybe she's just fooling around at the espresso machines because it lets her not make eye contact.]


usavatar November 28 2011, 04:44:36 UTC
[He considers offering a hand with the door, but she gets it open all right, and when he steps inside - minus the people - it's almost like walking into Howard's private space. Different projects, maybe, different arrangement, but it has the same stamp of personality on it. The same feeling that someone dedicated and brilliant works and arguably lives there.]

What? Oh! Yes, please, thank you. [He shifts to parade rest to keep himself from fidgeting. Steve is starting to worry again that he did something wrong in their last meeting, something that - because of differences in universes - neither he nor Peggy would catch.] Um. Dr. Ross? Is everything all right? I mean, I didn't... Did I do something to upset you? I'm sorry, if I did, I didn't mean to, I'm just not very...

[He trails off, raising one hand to make a helpless little gesture.] I'm never sure how t- This isn't to say that I think about - What I'm trying to say is I'm not really... I don't have a lot of experience with women - with talking to women, I mean, and if I said ( ... )


1/2 robodidactic November 29 2011, 20:20:32 UTC
[At first she's just paralyzed because he's trying to make small talk. Kimiko, in general, has never really been comfortable with small talk. It speaks of distractions and mockery, neither of which she can cope well with, over the long or short terms.

So, she's mostly just staring in horror at him as he continues babbling, like a deer in the headlights, unable to move, unable to shake the slowly dawning comprehension of her doom. This is it. This is what death feels like. A cute boy talking to you, apologizing for something he didn't do and calling you a-



2/3 robodidactic November 29 2011, 20:21:26 UTC
[ !!!!! ]


3/3 - and my work is done here robodidactic November 29 2011, 20:29:58 UTC
[ Is he implying that Kim is a woman? Well, of course she's female, but. A woman, not a girl, or even a young lady. A woman.

Women are creatures of the world, they go to bars and talk to attractive men and wear delightful party gowns while laughing over their alcoholic beverages and wafting beautifully coifed clouds of hair over their shoulders like siklen waterfalls of color! Kimiko barely has a ragged mop!

A mop!!!


Oh god, he's so sincere. He means it. He really means it and he's still standing there, looking at her with those big blue eyes and he is genuinely sorry for having triggered Kimiko's psychosis. It's impossible.

He's not human.

He's not human!

He can't be!]

...That's....fine. It's not your fault. I don't...

[break contact! break contact! Whew! She manages it when the Espresso machine chirps and she turns to take care of the minutae of coffee.]

I don't generally talk. To b- [boys.] ...people. Much.


fdhujhfbdjsdhcf usavatar November 29 2011, 20:54:45 UTC

[How does one fit that much relief into a single syllable?It is in fact possible. He almost-but-doesn't-quite fidget again, watching Kimiko fiddle with the espresso machine and thinking of those little cafes in London that he never actually went to.]

That's- I don't either. I mean I didn't, much. Kind of have to now. Um- I'm not trying to be rude, but what was it you wanted to keep private? From the AI, or is it a... [Another flailed gesture.] Untainted experiment sort of thing.


I'm not even sorry robodidactic November 30 2011, 20:33:49 UTC
A little of both.

[A kindred spirit in hermitude? But he's Captain America! Doesn't he uh... Have to go...y'know...do daring deeds all the time?

Regardless, the question helps Kim find the rails again. The business of Science! That's solid ground.]

Mostly, I'd like to avoid Hypatia killing the project before it's finished. I told you before that I had experience with multidimensional travel? Powerful people who run enclosed population concentrations like this one tend to take umbrage when you try to leave without permission.

[She says it as if it's true. And maybe it is, but Kimiko's not referring to merely sacrosanct. This entire universe is too small a cage for her, now that she's seen how wide the horizon can stretch. She wants more.]


It's beautiful usavatar November 30 2011, 21:29:36 UTC
[He comes to life. There's really no other way to put it. He goes from a cute, mild soldier to someone lit up from within.] You're looking for a way out. You think it's possible, then?Do you think she, the AI, Hypatia, do you think she's responsible for whatever brought us here? Have you done a lot so far - do you think it'll be possible to pick a destination, to direct the way out so everyone can leave? I don't know if it would work, but ever since Jin Tian mentioned the sounds, I started thinking, what if we could sort of... tune in to the other universes, like tuning a radio.

[He catches himself and goes pink. She probably thinks he sounds like an idiot.] Sorry. I'm not a scientist, but I haven't had much to do other than think about this.


robodidactic December 3 2011, 05:25:41 UTC

[And. We're back to staring?]



I'm looking for a way out. [Liar.] Wait, what? Of course it's possible! What idiot told you it wasn't?

[Mild annoyance makes a good shield against awkward.]

It's not like...that. At all. [Sigh. At least he knows when to be quiet. A little of her desire to combust recedes with this demonstration of Steve's willingness to blurt out stupid things.]

The problem is that the Rift is shifting between an unknown sequence of universes at highly chaotic intervals. I'm sure there's a pattern, but we can't even begin to measure the leap-time. In addition, it's incredibly radioactive and physically accessing it would probably kill you. The rate at which it deposits matter in the junkyard is a good indicator that it's exo-trans-universal, not the reverse.

So far, the biggest point of discovery has been that the rift is affecting the teleporter system. We might be able to reverse the effect, but...tests.

I'm working on...[Just ( ... )


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