001 | Video

Nov 07, 2011 21:53

[ The message starts with just audio, an exasperated sigh. ]

No, not that one. Look, right next to it... There.

[ Video cuts in with a brief close-up shot of Captain America, frowning at the camera, and then it swings around a little awkwardly to show Georgia Mason. The wearable filming this is obviously not hers - she's standing too far away ( Read more... )

shaun mason, georgia mason

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video 8D usavatar November 8 2011, 16:00:10 UTC
[...he notices the activity on this channel and can't help responding] You look... Better.


[video] feedislive November 8 2011, 16:11:23 UTC

...and you're not a zombie. Hooray for both of us. [ Yeah, yeah, she didn't die after all. SHE'S STILL CRANKY AT YOU, STEVE. ]


[video] usavatar November 8 2011, 16:19:15 UTC
...A what? [Not his fault the term wasn't popularized until the seventies. Oh wait. There was that film Bucky insisted on seeing- White Zombie? ] Oh. Well, I'm just glad to see you're all right.


[video] feedislive November 8 2011, 16:31:48 UTC
[ Just... blank stare for several seconds. He can't be serious. ] A zombie? Walking dead person? Likes to infect and eat the living? You know, exactly what I was afraid of turning into?

[ What she... did turn into. aldkjfdf she is still dealing with that. Right now, she's dealing by... not thinking about it.

Growlmutter. ] You're lucky I didn't bite you.


[video] usavatar November 8 2011, 16:41:08 UTC
[There's a pause as he digests that... very different sort of creature than the one he thought of. Well, not completely, but enough.] Huh.

[Er, wait. That's kind of belittling of the whole experience.] Um, I think it's safe to say we're not from the same place. I've never heard of anything like... Well, what happened. But I appreciate that you didn't.


[video] feedislive November 8 2011, 16:47:56 UTC
Yeah, I gathered that much. [ Because someone like Steve wouldn't survive long in her world. HE IS TOO DUMB AND SELF-SACRIFICING TO LIVE. ] The next time someone tells you not to touch them, you might want to listen.

Do you think I can have my gun back now?


[video] usavatar November 8 2011, 16:58:17 UTC
Next time, don't say you're going to kill yourself. [There's a moment's hesitence before he nods] I'll give it to your brother, and he can return it to you at his discretion.


[video] feedislive November 8 2011, 17:11:17 UTC
[ Georgia wants so badly to punch him right now. ]

I'm not suicidal. I was infected. There's a difference. [ Not that Shaun won't give her the gun pretty much as soon as Steve gives it to him, but that's not the point. ]


[video] usavatar November 8 2011, 18:02:17 UTC
Then I'm sure he'll give it to you right away. [Shrug] Miss, I really don't know half of what happened back there - just that if you'd had a weapon at that time, we probably would't be speaking now.


[video] feedislive November 8 2011, 22:26:43 UTC
...do you want me to thank you for that?

[ Okay, she is grateful. It's just buried under a whole lot of other emotions, most of which are not Steve's fault. So she's just going to glare at him and go on levelly: ] I was acting on the information I had at the time, out of concern for the lives of everyone here. Including yours, much as you don't seem to share that concern. Should I not do that next time?


[video] usavatar November 8 2011, 22:38:46 UTC
What? No. [The startlement in his face and voice should be enough to show he's being honest.] I'm just saying - you didn't have all the information. And you weren't listening when I tried to give it to you. I didn't see many other options. I wasn't going to let you kill yourself if whatever was happening was preventable, and you didn't seem interested in finding out.

[He scratches his nose, looking slightly guilty.] It was probably stupid, but I had to get your attention somehow.


[video | encrypted to Steve] feedislive November 8 2011, 23:36:38 UTC
It was incredibly stupid. [ ...argh, it is hard to remain pissed in the face of him being all... sincere at her. The jerk.

She sighs and decides to explain... after setting the connection to private, because this is so not something she wants to share with everyone. ] I was going to wait for Shaun either way. But as for getting all the information, a live KA infection interferes with cognitive processes. Understanding what I was being told isn't- wasn't easy.

...that, and I'm a skeptic to begin with. Being told something that is, in my experience, impossible, in that condition... I was never going to buy it. I'm not going to apologize for doing what I thought was best to keep people safe, but... [ oh god she hates saying this ] I guess I do owe you some thanks. For stopping me.

[ ...that's it. That's all the thanks you get. :| ]


[video | encrypted to Steve] yes i'm tagging from a parking lot WHAT OF IT usavatar November 8 2011, 23:59:54 UTC
[He looks braced for the worst, but then she's not only explaining, but saying thank you, and... That wasn't what he expected.] ...oh, um. You're welcome.

...I was safe, you know. I don't get sick. Any kind of sick, not any more. So. It wasn't as much of a risk as it seemed to be. [Except for that whole foreign virus maybe could have overwhelmed him anyway, thing, but. Details.] I am sorry if I made things worse.


[video | encrypted to Steve] feedislive November 9 2011, 00:38:43 UTC
[ ...okay, she's not even going to question how he doesn't get sick, because that's not the issue right now. She's just going to give him this look. Full of judgment. ] You couldn't know that. If nothing else, we're all apparently a long way from home here, and you can't have guaranteed immunity against everything that gets dumped here. It was an insane, idiotic risk.

[ There's an uncomfortable pause, then: ] Why would you do that anyway? You don't even know me.


[video | encrypted to Steve] usavatar November 9 2011, 00:48:39 UTC
[He grimaces a little. Yeah, he had thought about that, but... When it came down to the moment, it didn't seem that important.] I know, I know. But chances were I wouldn't catch it.

[And the grimace dissolves into a rather blank look.] You needed help.


[video | encrypted to Steve] feedislive November 9 2011, 00:53:23 UTC
[ And Steve gets a blank look back, albeit for a different reason. Luckily for her, it's not so different from her normal expression, behind her sunglasses. ]

You risk your life to help strangers all the time, whether they ask for it or not?


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