Third Entry [video]

Oct 13, 2011 18:44

[Hey look, it's George. She's sitting in her room, staring at the wearable with her usual deadpan look.]

Alright, Sacrosanct. Killer robots and life-or-death situations is one thing, but this singing thing is starting to get ridiculous. Amusing though it may be, the fact remains that this...virus, curse, whatever is interfering with our... [Suddenly she leans back in her chair and looks toward a door.] Shaun, could you turn that down?

Anyway. This thing is interfering with our impulse control. That's disturbing. Is anyone working on... Shaun, please turn that down. [There's a muffled answer through the door.] What do you mean you're not...oh damn.

[She looks back at the wearable.] Look, if someone isn't already...already working on... [She gets to her feet.] Dammit, can anyone else hear that?

[As George crosses the room and opens the door, revealing Shaun working at his computer, the music swells from out of nowhere. Shaun is watching George with a frown that only deepens when they both start singing. And when zombies start appearing out of thin air.]

Heya Shaun, it's George,
From the office down the hall. (yeah, I know who you are--)
Good to see you buddy,
How've ya been?
Things have been okay for me,
Except that I'm a zombie now. (Not again!)
Really wish that you would let us in. (nu-huh)
I think I speak for all of us when I say I understand
Why you folks might hesitate to submit to our demands,
But here's an FYI - you're all gonna die, screaming. (Still not gonna work, George.)

All we wanna do is eat your brains (Oh, come on, that's new.)
We're not unreasonable,
I mean no-one's gonna eat your eyes (Gross, George)
All we wanna do is eat your brains (Zombies don't, remember)
We're at an impasse here, (Temporary, I'm sure)
Maybe we should compromise.
Open up the doors,
We'll all come inside and eat your brains. (Nope. You'll not like that idea when you get better.)

I don't wanna nitpick Shaun, but is this really your plan -
Spend your whole life locked inside a mall? (Nah, I'm busting out as soon as I get--)
Maybe that's okay for now,
But someday you'll be out of food and guns, (Have you SEEN my collection? Oh right, yeah, you have)
And you'll have to make the call.
I'm not surprised to see you haven't thought it through enough -
You never had the head for all that 'bigger picture' stuff. (Yeah, that's your job, remember?)
But Shaun, that's what I do, (Yeah)
And I plan on eating you, slowly. (No way, Jose!)

All we wanna do is eat your brains (I really don't like the new theme.)
We're not unreasonable,
I mean no-one's gonna eat your eyes (Gross, George)
All we wanna do is eat your brains (Zombies don't, remember)
We're at an impasse here, (Temporary, I'm sure)
Maybe we should compromise.
Open up the doors,
We'll all come inside and eat your brains. (Nope. You'll not like that idea when you get better.)

I'd like to help you Shaun,
In any way I can.
I sure appreciate the way you're working with me.
I'm not a monster Shaun - well, technically I am...I guess I am... (just a bit, it'll pass)

I've got another meeting Shaun; (You're breaking my heart, George)
Maybe we could wrap it up.
I know we'll get to common ground somehow.
Meanwhile I'll report back to my colleagues,
Who are chewing on the doors. (Uhoh)
I guess we'll table this for now.
I'm glad to see you take constructive criticism well (No, I don't.)
Thank you for your time, I know we're all busy as hell.
And we'll put this thing to bed,
When I bash your head open. (Dammit, just stay away)

All we wanna do is eat your brains (Oh, come on, that's new.)
We're not unreasonable,
I mean no-one's gonna eat your eyes (Gross, George)
All we wanna do is eat your brains (Zombies don't, remember)
We're at an impasse here, (Temporary, I'm sure)
Maybe we should compromise.
Open up the doors,
We'll all come inside and eat your brains. (Nope. You'll not like that idea when you get better.)

[Well. That sure just happened. George stands there, expression mostly unreadable behind the shades as the music and the zombies vanish. Then she grits her teeth and makes a tiny snarling sound, turns, and marches out the door without another word. A second later she sharply cuts the feed.]

[ooc: blue is George, red is Shaun]

shaun mason, georgia mason

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