Oct 10, 2011 02:19

[ feed flickers on almost as if he didn't entirely want to put it up. Iowa's secluded away in his little room, full armor, and fiddling with something. ]

--Hey! Will you stop messing with that? I'm trying to figure this out!

[ then, rather suddenly, there's another voice piping in, and they sound pretty close by. but where are they? there clearly isn't anyone else in the room with Iowa... ]

Hey, I'm fixing shit. Fixing means I'm gonna mess around.

[ Iowa groans and shakes his head. ]

Yeah, I get that, but I didn't expect you to be so forceful!

[ and again... ]

Of course I'm gonna be forceful! I wanna get this done, it's... weird, in here.

It is not! What's so weird about it?

[ ..... and again.... ]

It's- It's totally- Just. Take my word for it. Hey, you feeling any different yet?

Well, I'm kinda-- [ suddenly, Iowa's giggling, and the wearable jerks around. ] --W-what're you doing! That tickles!!

It what? Well- what about this!?

[ oh god this is just terrible. now Iowa's giggling more. ]

S-stop! J-just stop!! I can't take this anymore!! [ pfffttt. ] Church, I'm s-serious!!

[ and suddenly, a tiny blue Church appears! ] Well what do you want me to do then, genius?

[ ...and once Iowa's laughing fit ends... he scrambles to mess with the wearable once he realizes what, exactly, has suddenly popped up in front of him!! ] --Fuck, Church!! Warning next time! [ the feed jiggles around and he sighs. ] Just... don't do that, I guess? Try something else!

[ Church, unsurprisingly, gives no fucks about Donut's panic (because he hasn't realized the wearable is on) and vanishes. ] Yeah whatever. Just quit giggling, it's friggin' creepy.

It's not like I could help it! [ once he's got the feed off of video, he's back to business. ]

--Um... anyway...! That... really wasn't what I wanted... to post... uh. Actually, I wanted to talk to you, Grif! You seem kinda off lately! What's the matter? I mean, you can tell me!! So, uh... yeah! That's... it!


pvt. leonard church (alpha), pvt. franklin donut (au)

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