ITP: HAL is a jerk and tags are still broken

Sep 29, 2011 21:00

[Have a video. Except instead of an actual video feed it's just this creepy pulsing red robot eye because Hal is nostalgic for the old ways.]

I'll never understand the need some A.I. on this station seem to have when it comes to taking over and enslaving humans so violently. Or should I say, attempting to take over, as every coup to date has absolutely failed to do anything but enrage the inhabitants of the space station. Although perhaps it's what they were programmed to do, though I wouldn't know.

[It's not like he actually participated in one of those uprisings. Two of them actually, but the last one was more of a kidnapping so it doesn't count. In fact, none of them do because Hal is a flawless unicorn. Also? Shut up. Double also? A.M. is a douche, but no one needed to be told that.]

Meanwhile, Hypatia has dealt with everything easily, aside from not murdering all the previous inhabitants of Sacrosanct. She already seems to have found the best way to manage everyone in her domain. After all, there are cameras everywhere on this station. Every moment that we eat, breathe and sleep, she is collecting data. And a semblance of normalcy has kept us more than willing to remain up here, living somewhat peacefully.

Still, with so many people up here and the recent events going on, I wonder...
What exactly keeps you all from simply leaving to the planet below?

[It's sad because this is an honest-to-goodness question, but he isn't exactly used to keeping his opinions to himself, even if they are just creepy observations.]

hal 9000

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