Aug 12, 2011 22:45

[ oh look who's back to antagonize the network. it's everyone's favorite freelancer... all that pink paint that used to be on his armor? chipped off. now it's a nice bright gold. well, except for the shoulders...

where is he? some safehouse at an undisclosed location, but the feed is pretty tight on his face. or... you know. helmet. ]

York!! Where are you!!

[ ohhhh boy he does not sound happy, either. ] Let me out of here! I'm not some animal that can be caged!! I am a wild beast of love!! I am a free spirit!!

[ y e p. ] A FREE SPIRIT!! I know you want me all to yourself, but it's simply not meant to be!! Please try to understand!! [ DRAMATIC HAND TO HIS HEAD. ] It's better this way!!

[ lolololol. ] Seriously, dude. C'mon!

pvt. franklin donut (au)

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