Blog the first [Video]

Aug 11, 2011 17:08

[Voice over a pan shot of the Junkyard] Ladies and gentlemen... and everyone else, kids of all sizes and ages, the following footage has been recorded and edited, although effort has been made to in no way conceal or misrepresent the facts.

[Video pickup goes to Shaun's face, and he's looking way, way better than his first wearable show-up.] My name is Shaun Mason. Today, we'll see what we can learn about those black rocks. Yes, the ones that make people rather dead. No, I am not immune, to the best of my knowledge.

That means, kids, that I gotta take precautions. Because dying is in nobody's favor.

So, since I haven't been infected - proved by the fact that I'm still moving and breathing normally - I went and picked up a bit of a litmus test - [shows off a few small plants] - to make sure that at least the equipment I pick up isn't contaminated. Because that would be a bummer. Rule one, guys. Stay as safe as you know how to. That's what blogging helps with - you get to learn what does work. And yeah, since I don't know where I'm going to be stepping, my shoes get to burn, too.

First order of business. Getting myself - something I can use to burn what has been contaminated. Flamethrowers. Not that hard to make. [And there follows a quick how-to guide about them, more of a sketch. Not that the information isn't available from the libraries, he just makes it more fun.]

And now, off we go. To the place where you can just find stuff. The Junkyard!

[There is a tiny bluish not-really-spherical thing which whizzes by his head, and it makes him frown.] ... okay, what is that?



[The thing hovers over a patch of the path, and then goes, very quickly] Nononononono.

And that, kids, is where Shaun runs into one of the many mysteries of the place. Which is very intent on not letting me walk over a spot. [He frowns more.] Dangerous?


Oh. That way? [The thing hovers over the path for a moment, and then confirms.] Yes.

All right-y. So maybe I have a local guide or something. ... is there such a thing as a local on a space station, actually?

Anyway. [video cuts to Shaun in rigged-together protective gear.] With some help, and yes, some testing [showing one of the plants which is now sadly dead] I have rigged together my not-so-shining armor, because I'm not going to waste good body armor if it's going to be a use-once-and-burn, and now I'm going to try and see if poking the rocks with a stick will be exciting.

[Follows footage of him in one of the known contaminated, but not yet burned-down zones. It involves a lot of his rattling, some burninating of things, and poking at other things, both burning and not. And more of his spiel.]

[In the end, he wraps up by carefully stripping all the outer layers he has put together, not touching the outside at all, yes, he's that good at it, lifetime of practice. And burninating those, too.]

And that, kids, is how you stay safe.

Now my flamethrower is out of fuel, I'm back to normal, if [he shows his wiggling socked toes] a bit shorter for a bit, and back where I know it's safe. And the local is still somewhere around [In the background, enthusiastic Yes.]

And that's the last of me for the moment.

On a slightly more serious note, I'm sorry for all the losses that the stupid thing has brought. Stay safe, keep your important people safe, and yes, as you can see, it's possible. Just have to be careful and thorough.

For information about the current state of the infection, you can go to other, more boring sources. It's possible that my sister, Georgia, will put some sort of update on it eventually, but only if she can verify all her facts. But keep your eyes and ears open, and you'll catch the news.

Special thanks to [image of Charles Xavier] this dude, because he gave me precious tips on what to do and not to do - which I have put into action right here for you. Remember. Sharing is caring, especially with things that can kill you. And that was the purpose of this program.

Shaun Mason, out.

... actually, George. It followed me home, may I keep it? Pretty please?

OOC: Dated around the end of the infection, probably shortly before it - the footage was collected over a day or two previous, the showing over the network might be around when people are actually doing useful things about it. Hey, he's just getting started!

shaun mason

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