Jun 03, 2011 11:44


If this "filter" given to me by Ram proves to be ineffective as a result of my own inexperience with this sort of thing, alas, I shall attempt to be brief. The apartment I have been more or less squatting in will be without my presence for an unknown number of days. Ram, should you receive this--do not follow me.

Other residents of the household who are friend to Ram, I implore that you do not allow him to. I know how...helpful he strives to be. That is all, thank you.


You and I are will meet face-to-face and sooner now then later. Any possibility of this turning into something less than civil is entirely by your own volition. I have put this off for far too long, so, here is our chance.

[ OPEN ]

In light of recent and unpleasant events, it has come to my attention not all was returned to normal; something of mine had gone missing in the confusion, and I will do all that I can to reclaim it. Should any of you traversing your way through the first and second gardens of this station come across a red length of cloth with what appears to be the impression of a hawk stitched in a deeper red on the interior, I request you contact me immediately. I have neither coin nor credit to spare, but if it is payment you seek for finding it--I can only promise you that it will come to you, in one form or another.


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