⚡ 006 | text

May 31, 2011 12:42

Jumping into every conversation he had was getting old, so I'm saying this here:

If any of you come across a boy named Zuko, anything he says about me is likely to be lies, exaggeration, outdated, or all three. He's from an alternate version of my world, and he's over three years into my past-- and no matter what he says, he doesn't know anything ( Read more... )

azula (au)

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text; manipul8trix May 31 2011, 17:03:22 UTC
Oh, he's one of THOSE people? The douche8aggy type we were talking a8out 8efore????????
Consider him pre-emptively ignored! 8888)

As for altern8s, what do you want to know? ::::/
There are people from a couple of altern8 Alternias here, if that helps.


text; 1/2 emberandash May 31 2011, 17:06:48 UTC
He's definitely one of those people. He's going to spread around all this misinformation and no one is going to talk to me anymore; it's incredibly irrit--


text; emberandash May 31 2011, 17:08:54 UTC
[oops, might want to tone down the butthurt there; SHE'S NOT ANNOYED OR LONELY AT ALL, NO]

... But I have experience in dealing with him. If you're ever in the mood for "trolling" and he's around, though, feel free to indulge.

I want to know anything that people feel is important, really. I already know that multiple versions of people can be here at the same time, which isn't really what I'm used to-- I'm wondering if I'll discover any other differences.


text; manipul8trix May 31 2011, 17:34:04 UTC
I'd still talk to you! 8ecause I 8n't an easily-manipul8ted wiggler and I can totally make my own mind up a8out people.

[Just like she's totally doing with this "Zuko" gu-- HERP DERP BLUH BLORF.]

And right, right.
I mean the 8est thing to do is look at the Daves?
Red Dave is the "alpha" Dave.
And Orange Dave is alpha Dave from the same world 8ut a different timeline, and he time-travelled 8ack to the original timeline and 8ecame a sprite.
So he's an altern8 that... isn't any more?
And then you have Pantsless Dave who's from a totally different universe where douche8ags are pink and have horns and stuff, I guess?
8ut he's still recognisa8le as a Dave! Unfortun8tely.


text; emberandash May 31 2011, 17:38:30 UTC
That's why you're the best troll no matter how much the troll with gray text complains.

What makes one the alpha and others the alternates? I've never come across anyone talking about "original" timelines; everyone's just been an equal level as far as that's concerned.


text; oh my god I am SO sorry for this kjdslkjdhslkjh manipul8trix May 31 2011, 17:47:34 UTC
Haha, you told Karkat I'm the 8est troll?
Plus 8 coolness points!!!!!!!! Oh my GOD. XXXXD

Uh. Timelines are kind of fixed and certain and stuff where I'm from.
Predestin8tion applies. All that crap.
And offshoot timelines 8ecome doomed, along with every8ody in them and........
8luh, it's complic8ted and stupid and Orange Dave gets annoyed at me every time I try to explain it.
8ut ok.
Let me use this example: imagine four 8alls on the edge of a cliff. Say a direct copy of the 8all nearest the cliff is sent to the 8ack of the line of 8alls and takes the place of the first 8all. The formerly first 8all 8ecomes the second, the second 8ecomes the third, and the fourth falls off the cliff.
Time works the same way.

Also all the 8alls that aren't the original are doomed and some of them are orange and they are all ect8iological paradox clones or something.


text; TIMETRAVELJACK featheryasshole May 31 2011, 17:59:04 UTC
that is NOT how time works


text; emberandash May 31 2011, 18:03:10 UTC
How does it work, then?


text; featheryasshole May 31 2011, 18:17:08 UTC
its pretty simple
it works just the same as space
except you can only move in one direction
and you cant stop moving


text; emberandash May 31 2011, 18:18:11 UTC
So if I, back in my own universe, worldhopped to a past version of my own world-- would that cause some sort of paradox?


text; featheryasshole May 31 2011, 18:25:40 UTC
either youd create a stable time loop
meaning you would be a part of the events of your relative past
or if you changed things youd be effectively wiping your own timeline out
which would make you doomed


text; emberandash May 31 2011, 18:32:34 UTC
What if I took part in nothing, and just visited and watched?


text; featheryasshole May 31 2011, 18:39:02 UTC
that would be a stable loop as well


text; emberandash May 31 2011, 18:43:21 UTC
And are those considered bad?


text; featheryasshole May 31 2011, 18:45:14 UTC
only if you consider not dying bad
and if you do you probably shouldnt be timetraveling anyway


text; emberandash May 31 2011, 18:52:45 UTC

I've never experienced any adverse effects from going to different worlds, anyway.


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