[So Bro seems to have hacked the station camera system to give a live feed. It is overlooking Garden Zone 4, specifically, a large field.
A large field which has been modified with holograms to be... purple. And have fairies floating above it.
Then, from one side of this field, atop a small hill, appears a white Earth Pony, a red Unicorn, and an orange Pegasus. You will probably recognize them as Bro, Dave, and The Dave Formerly Known As Davesprite.
You then notice that there is music playing, coming from the saddlebags that the three are wearing.
Bro gives a slight nod to Dave and Dave, and then they charge down the hill. As they do,
this starts playing. And yes, they do indeed jump and charge at the fairies, and then they RAINBOW DASH through giant holographic stars.
The two Daves split off as the song ends, and then Bro gallops up another hill to join up with a pony in a red helmet. Is. Is that Protoman?
There is another nod exchanged, and then they charge down THAT hill into a decidedly more metal landscape, with skulls and volcanoes and little demons, as
This song plays. Two adorable ponies running to METAL? DOUBLE REACHAROUND IRONY.]
[[ooc: Permission gained from the other muns in question; if I screwed anything up, lemmie know and I'll change it. ]