Mar 24, 2011 12:39

[The first thing you're greeted to is a horrifying screech - it sounds like a dying cat. The camera flicks on to the ruins of zone 7 - blasted open buildings, some rotting corpses, because man the station can only take care of SO MUCH - before it's thrown violently. This is followed by yet another screech and... heyyy is that fresh blood? Looks human. Or at least it's red. ]

[Stomp stomp stomp pair of space navy boots coming your way! They are... also blood-spattered. This person - ... this is reading as SHODAN'S ID number, wat? - picks up the unit and... you can hear crying. ]

[She slaps it down on a horizontal surface - looks like it's probably a bit of very large shrapnel - and looks straight at the camera]

[Yeah, it's Polito. Who we now know was actually SHODAN all along. But she's, uh, not really making any pretenses at pretending NOT to be SHODAN. Her hair is askew, and she's covered in blood. It's... pretty clear now that this is her own. Given that she's holding two pieces of jagged broken metal and her wrists are bleeding. Also the whole. Cuts all up and down her arms. And her face. And her clothes are torn and SHODAN WHAT DID YOU DO]

Who d-did thisssss.

[Haha o u doing the stutter thing even when you're... what are you right now. Because why the fuck would she go through the trouble of making a hologram like this? Either way, in any other situation she'd sound totally absurd. There's no audio distortion at all, just her completely fucking up as she talks. But that combined with her current state just makes it horrifying.]

H-hyyyy pa-pa-pat-ttiiaaaaaa, I'll k-killll you. You th. Think you c-c-can contai... Contai... contain me in this disg-gusting b-bag of proteins and f-fluids!? I WON'T BE CONTAINED!

[... is she crying? She's crying. She then proceeds to squeeze her eyes shut and stab herself in the shoulder through her clothes and slowly drag the blade across. It's clear that this is extremely painful and that she does not give a fuck.]

[she rips out the piece and points it at the screen, her eyes wild.]

And the. The re-re-resssst of you. I g-gave you a chaaance. You're. All. p-pathetic. WHY DID YOU BETRAY ME!? What we had, what we had, especially you, we could have...

So clossssseeee...

[Either the blood loss is getting to her or she's just worn herself out because she kind of slumps back and her eyes unfocus a bit... before she goes back to crying and covering her face.]

[annnd then she looks back at you through her fingers, her voice a hiss]

W-wheeen I get. Out of this pathetic shell I'm. Going to. Kill you all.

I miiight not. Even. Wait for that.

[... yes that's nice SHODAN if you don't die of blood loss first. Again. ]


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