Mar 12, 2011 00:17
Haha, Jegus. What the hell is even going on around here, I just. Seriously? Seriously? I leave you guys alone for five minutes and everything goes to shit! I mean I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but god. You could at least pretend that you can hold it together without me! Whatever. Vriska fucking Serket here, douchebags. I'm back.
[ A pause. ]
Back in soooooooo many senses of the word! Back from wherever that feathery nookfucker took me, back from being absolutely flapbeastshit insane aaaaaaaand back from the dead, I guess. Ooooooooh! Spooky! Please note that it didn't take me an entire perigee to respawn, unlike some of you unbelievable losers. Fuck yeah.
[ By this point it should be obvious that Vriska is very much herself again. Sob. ]
So, uh. I'd kiiiiiiiind of appreciate being filled in here. Because from what I remember I probably shouldn't try going back to my respiteblock, and I've been looking at the network but most of it doesn't make any sense. Especially not the shit I was posting, haha. Uh. Wow.
Who's still around? And not fucked in the thinkpan? I swear to god if anyone I give even half a shit about isn't okay I'm going to flip all the tables. All of them. So [she makes her voice as raspy as possible, in her very best Karkat impression:] REPORT IN, FUCKASSES! Haha.
vriska serket