[ The message that pops up on the network is clearly meant to be filtered to Davesprite. But a mess of typos in the code appear to have made it viewable to anybody. Oops? ]
text; y-you didn't see thatsopor_piesMarch 8 2011, 10:33:41 UTC
CHiLl oUt, SiSTer. It'S ALl aT bEiNg riGhT tHeRE oN tHe NEtWoRk. Of CouRsE i CaN aLl MoThERfuCkInG sEe It. If IT's AlL aT bEinG tHAt bAd JuST aLl moThErFuCkInG go SlEep In My MoThErfuCkInG rEcUpErACoOn. I mOtHeRfUcKiNg OffErEd. So JusT fUcKiNg do IT.
text; NOT MORE HALLUCINATIONS OH GOD D::::manipul8trixMarch 8 2011, 10:46:11 UTC
Wh8t? No i'ts not. Is it? Are you wtaching me too???????? STOP IT youre supposer to 8e the one who's nice! Not a creep8r like Tholluckth!!!!!!!! aND I'm not going in your recup8r8coon that's gross. And my lusus would e8t you. She never 8 some8ody with 8lood like yours, did you know that? 8nd she gets re8lly really curious a8out new fl8vors. th8ts why she wants to eat John I think? AndKarkat! Oh man is she ever w8nting to find out what he t8stes like. Do you think he t8stes of........ mir8cles???????? 8888)
text OH GOG THE MARKER IS IN OUR H8DS!sopor_piesMarch 8 2011, 10:55:02 UTC
WhY wOUld i fUcKiNg WATch YoU? uGh. i dOn'T eVeN aLL kNoW wHErE yOU aRe.
YoUR lUsuS iS dEaD. AlL oUr MoThErFUCkiNg LuSuSeSsSs ArE mOtHeRfUcKiNG dEaD. tHeY aLl MOtHeRfuCkIng DiEd OnE by MoThErFuckInG oNe. SO juSt ShUt Up AnD cOmE gEt SoMe MoThErFuCkInG sleEp.
text; ALL MY SCREAMSmanipul8trixMarch 8 2011, 11:12:47 UTC
You don't? Oh Oh god that's. Thank fuck. Good. Keep it that way! No8ody gets to know whree I am ok nooooooooo8ody. Fuck nine os Pretend you didn's see that ok let's pretend. Like flarp. 8ut without any8ody dying. Pro8a8ly.
And my lusus is only dead like I'm de8d! I died Gamzee did y8u forget? I didn;t forg8t. 8nd neither did Tavros I 8et! I me8n wow did he ev8r get me good. I should m8ke him p8y all ovre again for that!!!!!!!! 8ut I can't sleep near you. Yuo're 8eing weird. And creepy. Are you even the re8l Gamzee? I 8et yu're not! I 8et you're an empty ey8d F8KE FRE8K like that SOllux! GIVE HIM 8ACK! GIVE G8MZEE 8ACK I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!!!!
text; /HONKSOBmanipul8trixMarch 8 2011, 11:40:54 UTC
FUCK YOU, F8KE GAMZEE! Dave is here. Awesome Dave. And h8's going to help me sl88p and then I'm going to find you and I'm going to 8r8k r88rkr88rk8r8rk8 r888kkr8rkr888rk 8888rrrr8888kkkk 8r8k8r8k8r8k8r8k every 8one in your 8ody for hurting the re8l Makar8 and you'll 8e sorry right up unt8l your 8lood st8ins my 8oots!!!!!!!! So 8ye8ye! See you l88888888r! :::;D
text; this will all end in so many tears ):sopor_piesMarch 8 2011, 11:55:29 UTC
UgH sHuT UP shut UP sHuT uP sHUt Up ShuT up ShUT uP sHuT up SHUT uP i'M tRYiNg tO hELP bUt My HEaD iS hURtIng ALL the TIME aNd ItS LIke i'm RemEmBeRiNG sOMEtHinG fRom fOrEVer Ago sOmEtHiNG mOThERFuCkING bAD bUt ThEY kEEP tAlKing And MaKing Me FORget AnD yOU'rE bEINg sO MOTHERFUCKING anNoYing So, FuCK, fOrGEt it JuSt So lONg as YoU motherfucking ShuT uP
How did you find this Y8U'RE NOT S8PPOS8D TO SEE!
It'S ALl aT bEiNg riGhT tHeRE oN tHe NEtWoRk.
Of CouRsE i CaN aLl MoThERfuCkInG sEe It.
If IT's AlL aT bEinG tHAt bAd
JuST aLl moThErFuCkInG go SlEep In My MoThErfuCkInG rEcUpErACoOn.
I mOtHeRfUcKiNg OffErEd.
So JusT fUcKiNg do IT.
Is it?
Are you wtaching me too????????
STOP IT youre supposer to 8e the one who's nice! Not a creep8r like Tholluckth!!!!!!!!
aND I'm not going in your recup8r8coon that's gross.
And my lusus would e8t you.
She never 8 some8ody with 8lood like yours, did you know that?
8nd she gets re8lly really curious a8out new fl8vors.
th8ts why she wants to eat John I think?
AndKarkat! Oh man is she ever w8nting to find out what he t8stes like.
Do you think he t8stes of........
mir8cles???????? 8888)
i dOn'T eVeN aLL kNoW wHErE yOU aRe.
YoUR lUsuS iS dEaD.
AlL oUr MoThErFUCkiNg LuSuSeSsSs ArE mOtHeRfUcKiNG dEaD.
tHeY aLl MOtHeRfuCkIng DiEd OnE by MoThErFuckInG oNe.
SO juSt ShUt Up AnD cOmE gEt SoMe MoThErFuCkInG sleEp.
Oh god that's. Thank fuck.
Good. Keep it that way! No8ody gets to know whree I am ok nooooooooo8ody.
nine os
Pretend you didn's see that ok let's pretend. Like flarp. 8ut without any8ody dying. Pro8a8ly.
And my lusus is only dead like I'm de8d!
I died Gamzee did y8u forget?
I didn;t forg8t. 8nd neither did Tavros I 8et!
I me8n wow did he ev8r get me good.
I should m8ke him p8y all ovre again for that!!!!!!!!
8ut I can't sleep near you. Yuo're 8eing weird. And creepy.
Are you even the re8l Gamzee?
I 8et yu're not! I 8et you're an empty ey8d F8KE FRE8K like that SOllux!
shut UP
Dave is here. Awesome Dave.
And h8's going to help me sl88p and then I'm going to find you and I'm going to 8r8k
every 8one in your 8ody for hurting the re8l Makar8 and you'll 8e sorry right up unt8l your 8lood st8ins my 8oots!!!!!!!!
So 8ye8ye! See you l88888888r! :::;D
shut UP sHuT uP sHUt Up ShuT up ShUT uP sHuT up SHUT uP
i'M tRYiNg tO hELP
bUt My HEaD iS hURtIng ALL the TIME
aNd ItS LIke i'm RemEmBeRiNG sOMEtHinG fRom fOrEVer Ago
bUt ThEY kEEP tAlKing And MaKing Me FORget
AnD yOU'rE bEINg sO
So, FuCK, fOrGEt it
JuSt So lONg as YoU motherfucking ShuT uP
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