I remain unsure as to what this sudden change of venue means for my immediate future. Is this merely another way-station and another portion of the game I have stumbled into? If that happens to be the case, I simply don't have time for these side-trips, as amusing is it might be to destroy a few more of the mindless troglodytes that make up my opponents at this level. Great sources of power don't destroy themselves, after all.
I require answers, immediately. Heads will probably begin rolling if I don't recieve them. After all, the sooner I understand what and where this place is, the sooner I can take my leave and resume my rather important work - this time without any ridiculous interruption of a labyrinthine space station and idiotic tours. I know that some of you are here - this network has rather extensive records, after all.
All of that being said: where is “here”?