No, this isn't private. Red is a dinosaur.

Sep 10, 2010 21:16

York! Have found good female partner for you. Strong, smart. Has guns. Will make very good human-chicks. Should start courting right away. Name is Shepard.

red (au),

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eye, robot isonny September 12 2010, 23:56:40 UTC
He felt one of the artificial ligaments in his neck snap, and his head lolled, now unevenly supported. It might have hurt, but it was hard to say because most of his sensory processes had been allocated to the immediate task at hand: fulfilling the third law.

Sonny did however, feel the vibrations of his torso shell being gouged and scratched. It was lucky for him that his architecture was minimalistic and slim, and that the tempered alloy of his limbs offered very little purchase. There just wasn't a lot to bite into. It also seemed he and Red shared much of the same philosophy when it came to fighting. He had no idea what he was up against, but so long as it wasn't human, there was little wrong with tearing it to pieces till it stopped functioning.

Sonny's legs swayed behind him as he was shaken, but his hands found Red's mouth again. One hand pulled at her lip and then came away in a fistful. He'd pulled too hard and it hadn't changed anything. Sonny decided it was time to put his legs to use while they were still operational. So bending his crazy 360º ball joints, he curved his hips backward in a way human spines just weren't supposed to work. This landed him over Red's head, legs straddling her nose. His knees dug into her face, and one tried to jam itself into her mouth.


screeee September 13 2010, 02:50:02 UTC
Red roared in pain. The taste of blood- her own blood, no less- mixed with the sharp taste of oil. While the bones of her skull were in no way delicate, they weren't made to be compressed in such a way. Her breaths surged out in hoarse puffs as he impeded her nasal passageways.

Her holograms flickered as the computer stuttered to keep up with the rapid movements. The human looked panicked and pained as she scrambled at something invisible on her face.

Red mashed her snout into the ground and limped a few steps forward in an attempt to coax him off. Her claws continued scrabbling at his legs.


isonny September 13 2010, 03:51:23 UTC
The panicking hologram caught his eye for a precious second before he turned away, determined not to look at it again if he could help it. One of her claws punctured his lower, already wounded leg, the one he was trying to shove between invisible teeth. He needed his head free, and wanted to alleviate this pressure quite badly.

All of a sudden his spacial understanding was skewed as the vertical and horizontal horizons changed. Between rows of pointed darkness, blood and saliva, he saw sparks from his shoulder grating against the ground. That meant the thing was lower now, and rotating as he flipped his legs off her face, Sunny dug his feet into the dents they'd made in the metal floor.


screeee September 13 2010, 04:37:18 UTC
The second he forced her to come to a stop, she loosed her jaws and hastily stepped back. Walking on a broken foot was uncomfortable. She wouldn't be able to run very far or very fast like this. She limped backwards, watching him with a mix of apprehension and anger.

"Go away," she hissed in warning. More blood ran into her mouth as she bared her teeth at him.


"it's what I was made fooooor" -- you'll hear that a lot from him isonny September 13 2010, 10:58:57 UTC
All he could see was a grimacing human, and the image was an obvious lie.

"I'm sorry," he said, his expression sad. "I'd rather I didn't have to kill you. But it is necessary. You aren't safe."

While speaking, he'd bent his knees, lowering himself, and pressing the fingers of one hand into the ground. The posture was universal; someone - or something - ready to pounce. There was nothing cute about it either. The once nearly immaculate robot was now covered for the first time in his life, with blood. Where he wasn't, he was leaking a clear fluid from where Red had severed artificial ligaments. The image was made more unnerving by the way Sonny's head fell, unable to stay perfectly upright.

He wasn't the only one bleeding though, and the droplets forming on the ground under Red, were more than enough to show her approximate position. That understanding was all it took. Sonny pushed off and launched himself through the air, landing on the beast and gripping anything he could.


screeee September 13 2010, 17:35:23 UTC
"Neither are yo-" her protest was cut short by him wrapping around her throat. He was too fast and moved in ways she didn't expect- couldn't intercept. Choking, she attempted to work her claws between her own skin and his inorganic body. Only the vicious curves of her claws kept her from injuring herself.

The occasional half-formed breath managed to rush past her constricted throat, but it was too little to survive on for long. She smashed Sonny into a nearby dumpster repeatedly, the shocks of it only serving to hurt her more.


isonny September 13 2010, 19:14:38 UTC
If sonny had known that what he was clinging to was her throat, things would have been over a lot sooner.

The harsh noises of her breath were a far cry from the silence she'd shown when she'd first attacked him, when she was working at optimal capacity. This meant he was on the right track.

In between each bash against the dumpster, Sonny would inch a little higher along her neck as he sought some sort of weak spot. It was only a matter of time before reached her face again, but this time he was coming up along the back of her head. One searching hand passed over an eyebrow ridge and found something round, slightly wet and malleable. Sonny didn't know what it was, but his fingers sunk in and pulled it out with a wet noise.


screeee September 13 2010, 20:07:43 UTC
The burst of white hot pain was immediately followed by darkness in that eye. Red's protesting cry was louder than even the resounding echoes of Sonny's body against the dumpster. Her movements became more uncoordinated as she bucked in a wild attempt to throw him off.

The hologram function of her bracelet blinked red and beeped in warning before shutting down. The flailing human faded from existence and her own scaly, mottled hide took its place. She was too preoccupied with smashing her head into the wall to notice the failure.


When this is over, next tussle will be over tea and crumpets? isonny September 13 2010, 21:23:14 UTC
This was all like some perverse rodeo, where Sonny alternated between punching Red and trying not to be thrown off.

When the hologram shut down, Sonny paused. He shouldn't have, and had he been any other NS-5 he wouldn't have. But because he was unique, he did. He paused in shock and revulsion.

What was this hideous creature? If anything suited the abstract concept of the word 'monster,' this thing would be it.


Oh, of course. I SAID 'PASS THE HONEY SCREEEEEEEE' screeee September 13 2010, 21:43:05 UTC
Red stumbled a bit. Each consequent blow to the head was making her feel dizzy and sick. She could do very little to fight him, perched as he was. His fist smashed through the bones surrounding her good eye and she keened in panic as she was rendered entirely blind. She frantically scraped him against the walls, her movements growing less graceful with each passing moment.

She listened to the grinding of her own broken bones, her skull had remained intact for longer than most creature's would have, given the abuse- but eventually something had to give. She tipped forward heavily and began convulsing.


HERE'S YOUR DAMN HONEY, Honey. isonny September 14 2010, 08:17:16 UTC
When the raptor hit the ground, Sonnny extracted himself from where she'd fallen on one of his legs and gingerly stepped away. He watched her convulse for a second, not entirely sure what he was seeing. Death throes?

Elegantly, he knelt down at her side and put his hands on what he was now sure was her neck. Her skin was thick, and he could feel the even thicker bones beneath it. He was gentle, though not on purpose, while he ran his hands up her neck, follow the line of bones. Sonny stopped when he reached where her spine met her skull.

He pulled back, and with a wicked thrust of one hand, broke the skin and severed the connection there, separating her spinal column from her brain. It might have been an act of pity.


/ate all the crumpets in the mean time screeee September 14 2010, 15:52:34 UTC
With a final shudder, Red fell entirely still. Her head lolled to the side and her body sagged. The blood that had been gushing from her torn lip and eye was reduced to a sluggish dripping as gravity became its sole mover.


woobietrope September 14 2010, 19:06:04 UTC
[A few hours later:]

[Oh what's this? Poke. Poke? Not moving. Bleeee. Wake up! Wake up! No response.]


[He looks around, but there are no other service bots in the area, and he can't compact organic matter.]

[Umm... ummmmmmm... taps his hands together a few times. He has no protocol for this... but it's not waking up...]


[Lasers Red's head off and starts dragging her piece by piece to the garbage disposal chute.]

[Keeps some teeth.]


GDI Red, now what do we have with our tea? isonny September 14 2010, 19:24:39 UTC
A few hours earlier:

The threat had been taken care of and Sonny slowly pushes himself up. He doesn't spare a glance at his handiwork, instead looking around for potential witnesses. None; good. Explaining his non-domestic talents would be difficult.

He makes a move to walk away and suddenly collapses. All that stress on his already damaged artificial ligaments have taken their toll. Both his legs are injured, but thankfully in one leg it is only minor. Unfortunately for the other, the damage is quite major and hinders his walking pattern significantly.

Sonny hobbles a few more steps away from the scene. He's hurt and frightened now; he can't been seen like this and doubts he can make it to the nearest repair depot. He needs to hide.


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