No, this isn't private. Red is a dinosaur.

Sep 10, 2010 21:16

York! Have found good female partner for you. Strong, smart. Has guns. Will make very good human-chicks. Should start courting right away. Name is Shepard.

red (au),

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isonny September 12 2010, 00:12:34 UTC
[What is he reading - he has no idea. These files may be corrupt.

But the date says they were posted recently and that means that there really are more humans around here somewhere.

Adventure time.]


action? screeee September 12 2010, 00:28:29 UTC
[Red is wandering around a residential area. Trying to hunt the human York told her to stay away from? Never.

Her hologram is fully in place, giving her the appearance of something small and harmless. She stalks through an alley in practiced silence despite her massive frame.]


you mean we can just do this shit right here? isonny September 12 2010, 00:38:01 UTC
Oh my goodness but what is this? Must be her lucky day because look what we've just found!

A human shaped human shaped thing! But this one had the added benefit of being decked out in what might be white armor! Also, no gun. Bonus!


of course ;D! take off your shoes and stay a while screeee September 12 2010, 01:05:57 UTC
As Red is already in hunt mode, the color and shape tips her toward 'eat first and ask questions later.' Noiselessly, she stalks toward him.


And where should I put my wizard's hat? isonny September 12 2010, 01:21:33 UTC
Sonny having once again failed to start a conversation with one of the station's drones, was feeling a bit dejected.

He hadn't really found any answers yet, and being created with the primary function to serve, was having quite a bit of trouble in that arena as well. Where were all the humans anyway? They had to be around here somewhere, this was a city perfectly suited to cater to any / all of their needs! You'd think they'd be running around everywhere!

He'd taken to meandering down ever alley and street with the faint hope of finding someone to - and he didn't really understand this - alleviate his feelings of loneliness`.


Keep it on your person. Along with your robe. screeee September 12 2010, 01:40:30 UTC
Closer and closer she crept. Humans weren't particularly fast, she could catch him with a good charge. His armor made him look very, very odd. Too skinny. But it would only make him easier to take down.

Her thighs twitched, her lips peeled back, and she launched herself at him.


As long as everything else can go isonny September 12 2010, 01:43:47 UTC
He heard a queer sort of 'click click' on the ground, turned around, and saw a young woman barreling at him.

She wasn't armed so that probably meant she wasn't going to try to hurt him.

Politely he tried to step out of her way, and offered a smile and a soft, "Hello."


Oh, of course screeee September 12 2010, 05:45:19 UTC
Red didn't hesitate even as he faced her. Why wasn't he running? Was he frozen in place? He wasn't even drawing a gun. He posed no threat.

Her mouth closed around his middle. In her head, it would be a few quick shakes to snap his neck and then off she'd go to show York.


and deathbot mode is go [let me know when we hit your violence quota] isonny September 12 2010, 06:05:23 UTC
Even if Sonny had been bound by them, the 3 rules didn't even apply to Red. But if they had, this would be infringing on #3. Ready to see a robot protect itself? Well too bad, you'll see anyway.

Sonny's expression became one of shock. This didn't make any sense, there was a young woman just standing in front of him doing nothing, but a definite uncomfortable compression around his torso. In fact, Sonny was pretty sure he was being lifted a bit off the ground as well. Well now, this wouldn't do at all.

Two strong, alloy hands (though one was in worse shape than the other) went to the strange clamps on either side of his body. He didn't know what it felt like he was grabbing, but that didn't matter because he would - and did - wrench them open. It probably hurt; he wasn't gentle.


screeee September 12 2010, 06:18:46 UTC
Red screeched at him and the tendons in her jaw were involuntarily stretched. The cracking sound she heard didn't bode well, but it didn't hurt enough to stop yet. She wasn't going to let her prey go so soon.

Tossing her head like a terrier might with a caught rat, she loosed him from her mouth. She sprang at him again as he landed, this time preparing to gouge him open with her killing claw. She hadn't expected it to be necessary with prey so small.


isonny September 12 2010, 06:59:25 UTC
He didn't like that noise, but having never head anything like it before, couldn't compare it to anything. The cracking sound held no meaning to him either. Yet that didn't mean he would stop exerting his counter pressure.

But then he was being shaken and thrown to the ground. No problem really, he landed easily, bent legs absorbing the shock with perfect efficiency. He looked up and that human was still simply standing there, waving her hands around and acting decidedly wrong. She wasn't touching him though and it didn't make any sense; he couldn't see what was attacking him. At least he could hear Red, and that let him process and calculate quite a bit. So when something sharp tore into his leg, it wasn't all that surprising.

One hand went to the invisible talon, jerked it out, and the other went to what would essentially be an ankle. Gripping there, Sonny pushed up with his good, inhumanely strong, foot and used the momentum to try and tumble his assailant.


screeee September 12 2010, 07:23:12 UTC
Red squawked awkwardly as she was forced to readjust her footing lest she fall. The sharp, acrid scent of oil gave her pause, made her draw back a bit. That was not blood. Not edible. Not a human.

That explained it.

She knew nothing about Sonny and that was more dangerous than anything else. Not for the first time, she wished her mate was here. He, at least, could have backed her up.

Alarmed, she attempted another step back. Best thing to do in this kind of situation was to run.


sorry for like, the 3 failed attempts to post. But things are getting bad for dino butt isonny September 12 2010, 09:17:34 UTC
Compassionate AI or not, unfortunately for Red, Sonny was still a machine with the capacity to be ruthless, in that driven, simpleminded way machines were. And then there was always that all important first law to consider. True Sonny didn't have to follow it, but he still preferred to defer back when he could. The very logical way he saw he saw this entire fake-human-come-invisible-beast scenario, was this: a future threat to real humans.

Sonny wasn't going to just let this thing escape, and then attack some other people later. That would have been awful.

You know what else would be awful? Trying to run while lugging around 500-1000 lbs of dinosaur muscle while a metal pain in the ass is stuck to your legs. It gets worse when said metal pain in the ass, wraps their cold legs around yours more firmly, and using both hands, grabs onto the base of your longest talon and pulls back. Much further than nature ever intended it to go.

Yeah, cause that's exactly what Sonny is doing right now. Sucks to be Red.


screeee September 12 2010, 18:37:10 UTC
"No!" She screeched in horror. She had never expected something so small to be able to hurt her this badly.

Panicked, she clamped her mouth around his head and pulled. It didn't matter if her upward force somehow helped him- only that she did something to get him off.


isonny September 12 2010, 22:54:10 UTC
Had it spoken? No, it didn't matter. The monster was deemed too much of a threat to let free. Sonny possessed enough humanity to get angry sometimes too, and when he felt that same sharp pressure from earlier, trying to rip his head from his shoulders, he did just that. He started to get angry.

Programmed instinct told him to go with the upward force instead of fight it. If he fought, it would only damage his neck more, so he didn't try to pull back. He did however continue to pull at her talon, and let the monster work toward crippling itself.

Sonny didn't let go of the toe until he felt more than heard, the crack, crunch and squelch of things breaking.


screeee September 12 2010, 23:01:15 UTC
Red's shriek echoed through the abandoned expanse of city. Teeth grinding into metal and wires, she jerked her head shook him with continued vigor. He wasn't the only one capable of getting angry.

Her claws scrabbled for purchase on his smooth frame. The concept of wires escaped her- but anything would stop moving if you pulled it apart enough.


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