May 12, 2011 23:19

[ Here are some lines of Unix. You've probably never heard of it, more underground than the random lines of code you see in mainstream Hollywood. how does computer ]

[ After that impressive but ultimately unnecessary display of Unix, there’s momentary radio silence before whatever was trying to get into the system activates the audio function. That ( Read more... )

alan bradley

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[voice] theuserabides May 13 2011, 03:21:44 UTC
[That's not Tron, and that's not Rinzler.

If Flynn hadn't been kneeling, he'd've fallen out of his chair. As it is, he almost manages to anyway, and with a very undignified flailing motion that no one's around to see, he switches on his own wearable.]



[voice] 1/2 popcorngifs May 13 2011, 03:30:41 UTC
[ Alan was himself sitting down, fortunate because the sound of his own named reverberated in his spine with a ghostly chill that packed enough force to remove the option of standing.

He stared at the device, regarding it with the disbelief best reserved when seeing a UFO dance the foxtrot above your head. He open his mouth, but found no noise. ]


[voice] popcorngifs May 13 2011, 03:32:57 UTC
[ Finally something was pushed out, a response. Shock just kept it from being a particularly articulate one. ]



[video] theuserabides May 13 2011, 03:39:43 UTC
[Flynn gets hold of himself long enough to flip to his preferred video setting, something he would have lacked the composure to do if he hand't remapped the interface to function exactly like the Grid--something he'd had a thousand years of practice with.

It was good for keeping him from looking too stupid, at least.

So there's Flynn, wearing sleek white and not looking a day over 60.]

Turn on the video setting, Alan.


[video] popcorngifs May 13 2011, 04:02:52 UTC
[ Alan was fumbling with this unfamiliar system, it absorbed all of his attention and he switched to video before looking up again. When he did, his reaction mirrored... ]


[ It was Flynn, just beyond all the white, the crow's feet and lines that didn't look like they had been carved by laughter- it was Flynn. Alan was sitting on a bench, in the shade; he couldn't blame a heat stroke or a concussion brought on by the trauma of arrival. It was real, it was his eyes telling him the truth. It was a lump in his throat and in his chest, it was a strangled noise he didn't mean to make. It was silence covering his mouth again, but he fought it. ]

God, I- Flynn, you're not-

What is this?


[video] theuserabides May 13 2011, 04:09:42 UTC
Yeah. Yeah, it's me.

[Behind Flynn's smile are tears, making his voice unsteady and his eyes over-bright.]

This...this is a long story.


[video] popcorngifs May 13 2011, 04:24:23 UTC
[ Alan makes no effort to conceal the cracks in his voice and smile, and even less energy went towards stopping the tears swelling in his eyes. His eyes were stinging, but he didn't touch them. ]

...long time coming, Flynn.


[video] theuserabides May 13 2011, 04:36:03 UTC
You...have no idea.

[Flynn just looks at Alan in silence for a long moment, that familiar face grown old like his own had. He swallows, hard.]

Where are you? I'll come pick you up.


[video] popcorngifs May 13 2011, 04:40:29 UTC
I really, really don't, Kevin Flynn.

[ He uses his full name, as if it were some sort of anchor. Tethering him to the reminder this was real ]

A quiet little place called Kurzweil, I've been sitting here long enough to fiddle around with the device. I'll...send you coordinates, I suppose.

[ beep boop sent. this was surreal ]


[video > action] theuserabides May 13 2011, 04:47:33 UTC
Got it. Be right there.

[Flynn's not hurrying; there's enough time in the world for--okay, yeah, he's hurrying. Out of the apartment and into the elevator and across to the teleporter, which pops him out in Kurzweil. His wearable leads him to the coordinates provided...]



[action] popcorngifs May 13 2011, 04:58:02 UTC
[ Alan had been standing there, waiting the moment he turned off the device off. There had been a parasitic itch of doubt in the back of his mind, scratching at him that this was all some fantastic delusion, a lie. Until...there he was, in the flesh. Flynn didn't return with a bang, a grand com back of any kind. Just...there he was, simple as that.

Alan felt his feet move toward Flynn with an apprehension he didn't like. He willed his legs to go faster, terrified if he didn't break out into a run now, Flynn would disappear again.

He still wasn't convinced it wasn't all going to just fade away back into another thirty years without closure, without Flynn when he reached out and gingerly touched Flynn's arm. ]


[action] theuserabides May 13 2011, 05:08:47 UTC
[Flynn's not having any of this tentativeness, closing the few feet between them to pull Alan into a long-overdue embrace. Getting hugged is one of the perils of being friends with Kevin Flynn, but this time there are a thousand years of loneliness and guilt lending the gesture an unfamiliar intensity.]



[action] popcorngifs May 13 2011, 05:31:09 UTC

[ Alan remembered this as a residual sensation twenty years in the making, the crushing embrace so very familiar in the way it dragged him in without warning, like being struck by charismatic and affectionate lightening. Flynn squeezed, and Alan squeezed hard. As the taller of the two, he felt Flynn's chin hovering just above his right shoulder, Alan found his head rocked forward with a wave of emotion, forehead falling against Flynn's own left.

But something about it, as though Alan didn't have to be aware of the strife Flynn went through for much longer than just twenty years for Alan to just feel it radiate off him. This contradiction of joy and sorrow evoked a choking but dry sob from him. It was then, when he buried his face farther into Flynn's shoulder in an attempt to muffle himself, did he notice it.

His hands found it before his eyes did, brushing over something hard, cold and circular--just hovering on Flynn's shoulder blades. He didn't pull back, but he did make note of it. ]

Flynn- ?


[action] theuserabides May 13 2011, 05:51:04 UTC
[Flynn squeezes his eyes shut against Alan's pain, one more thing that's his fault, and his hand curls into a fist on Alan's shoulder.

After so long, the disc is a part of him, and Flynn, lost in guilt and the strange feeling of hugging someone in whom he can't feel the circuit energy flowing, isn't sure what Alan's hesitancy is about.]



[action] popcorngifs May 13 2011, 18:46:33 UTC
[ Alan pulled away in short, disconnected movements--pushing away only to stop again, unsure if he should let go just yet. Eventually, Alan settled with standing parallel to Flynn, one hand to a shoulder, the other still thumbing the edge of the disc with an unspoken curiosity that was overshadowed by every other question buzzing in his head.

The wet shine in his eyes still virbrant, but despite that, a smile again found his face and a weak laugh followed. ]

Look at you, Flynn. Man alive, I don't even know where to begin. Have you been here? This whole time?

You got old, buddy.


[action] theuserabides May 13 2011, 19:12:51 UTC
[Flynn lays a hand atop Alan's, the overwhelming emotion starting to fade to a warm contentment that shows in his smile. Equilibrium is something he's become good at--necessity is an effective teacher.]

Look who's talking.

[But it would take death to completely wring the banter out of Flynn.]

It's...more complicated than that. I've only been here a few months. Before that, I was on the Grid.

[It's a conversation Flynn's owed Alan for even longer than he'd been trapped. Yet one more thing he'd had all the time in the world to regret.]


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