super-sexy-psychology tests!

Jan 25, 2005 22:10

hello there friend. yup, this week has been going pretty shibby so far but its gonna get worse starting first thing in the morn when i walk into mason's room for my grand super-sexy-psych test.oh well, maybe i'll ace it (likey). anyway, besides that, i decided that i am gonna invest in the stock market and hopefully make enough to buy a land rover by the end of the year. we WILL see. yeah. my dad told me i could use his car after nine if i want which kicks ass because i dont get my after nine for 3 more months. sweet. and my dad also said that he would take me and all my friends snowboarding since i got my eagle scout thingy. yup. if you wanna go snowboarding, tell me. i'm goin again this weekend up to winterplace, hopefully we'll get some snow. today was alright too. i skipped conditioning so i could go home and study for my psych test and i felt really letting down (is that a word?) when i told coach i had to leave and skip conditioning. oh well, i dont mean too much too him or the team anyway. oh yeah, hendrix is out for the season so maybe coach will let me back dave up on long pole middi when the season starts. maybe i'll talk to him about that after i go to a few more conditionings. that would be pretty cool. yup, that would be sweet but i need to get in massive shape and kick my stick skills in the ass. hey if you play lacrosse and you are reading this, call me so we can throw sometime because you prob already know i need to work on my stick skills (a lot). well i guess thats about all. have a wonderful evening and a delightful life, yo.
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