
Oct 23, 2005 04:40

"People tell better stories to strangers."
-Gabriel Jeffrey

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If and when I meet others through this journal, then I hope that what I write may speak to people. That said, this journal is still *my* space for self-expression and exploration. You can be assured that since what I write here is meaningful to me, it will rarely include things like memes and quizzes. Otherwise, when it comes to content, I post anything that speaks to me or that expresses what I'm going through, including unoriginal material like song lyrics or extracts from books. If something drives me to sit down at the keyboard and write, then I consider that something to be worthwhile. I may update about my day or I may just post random thoughts. Also, I update when I feel moved to do so and not on any kind of regular schedule. My entries can get long and I don't hide my words behind a cut if I don't want to. It may be unnecessary to say this, but getting it out of the way here helps me to be more honest in my entries.

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