i am sitting in this cute boy's bed, waiting for him to come home from work. oakland is nice. micah made a heart out of christmas lights on his wall. it's the cutest thing ever. he took me out to breakfast at mel's yesterday morning. we drew each other pictures & ate waffles with strawberries. it was so yummy tasting and it made me smile. so does shakespeare, kelly warren, michelle lee, japanese pastries, fender rhodessss ohmydearrrrr, and other things.
whoa whoa.
i've been in oakland since thursday night & consecutive sleepovers are making my life feel better right now. things are starting to become a mess (IE school/work/parents) and i don't really know what to do with everything, but getting away from it all for the weekend and spending time with a boy who tells me that he can't stand how beautiful i am has helped more than anything in the entire world. i didn't think that i would be able to smile this much over a boy for a long long time. we lay down in his bed and kiss and listen to the decemberists and talk about things that are actually important. i had forgotten that intelligent boys make me swoon. it's so much different than being with an immature teenager. i like feeling challenged by him and his intelligence. everything just feels good. no titles are necessary, and i really like that. his roommates are so cute and nice. and his kitten is the sweetest little thing in the entire universe. she got shots yesterdat and so she's feeling sort of sick today and i am taking care of her. i don't really know how to formulate what i am trying to say right now. all i know is that i feel good. i feel okay and i feel like everything is going to be okay for once. shit is going wrong in many aspects, but a few things are going right and those things are motivators to fix everything else. i love you. i hope you are okay.