OOC | Because all the cool kids are doing it

Nov 25, 2010 07:10

Okay, my previous post said this was the best episode ever, and it still is IMHO. Why? Four words. Burt/Carole, Finn/Kurt. This whole dynamic has been what I have been waiting for since Kurt's crush came to light in Season 1, and didn't disappoint. I love Burt with a f*cking PASSION, and he shone in this. Anything where Burt beams with happiness like that (and causes his son to beam in turn), protects Kurt unconditionally, and dorky Dad dances was always going to have me at hello.

Now I've added that disclaimer, onto the show!

I'm starting with what I didn't like...
- Mercedes not being involved in the "girls meeting". Boyfriend or not, she's Kurt's GIRL, damnit! What a load of bullshit that whole scene was.

- Lack of Mercedes on a whole.

- Lack of both Mercedes and Kurt singing, either solo or together.

- Finchel. Needs no more explaination. Every time Rachel blatantly asks for compliments, yet attempts to be coy, I just cringe.

- The lack of attention giving to Finn obviously being thrown at the abrupt news of his mum remarrying.

- How everyone was ganging up to point fingers at Finn for not standing up for Kurt. IMO, this should have just come Burt. Burt's comment had the most impact, and everyone else just came off looking like they were trying to do too little too late.

- Mr Schue coming late to the Kurt bullying party, but I haven't liked this from the start of it.

- The whole "our boyfriends are footballers" crap. All this did was make me think why the fuck all their boyfriends ARE footballers. Time to branch out on the stereotype, writers.

- Sam/Quinn. Don't like any of it. Can't come to any of it. I don't know what it is, and maybe it's just because they have written Sam's character all over the place, but it's awkward for me.

- What was going on with Quinn's hair? I don't know what it was, but in one scene, she looked very Stepford Wife. I'm not saying I didn't like it, she just looked different and it distracted me for some reason.

- Sue's "wedding". I had hopes it would be so hilarious. It didn't make the mark.

Now what I DID like...
- KURT EVERYTHING (but goes without saying, as always. I'm 500% biased)
- Kurt calling Burt/Carole his parents at the end
- Carole being in the principal meeting at the end
- Mike Chang and Artie joining forces for Kurt
- I liked Mike Chang throughout the whole episode for the first time ever, really. Mostly he just blends into the background and I haven't had a chance to like him yet.
- The hint of Quinn's independence shining through.
- The ending. It wasn't overdone, it wasn't suddenly a knee-jerk reaction to everyone being beaten up by Karofsky, and Kurt didn't get physically injurered. I am relieved of this. I am not sure they could have justified that kid not ending up in jail if he had hit Kurt just for the eff of it.

Ending with the just plain WTF?
- Karofsky and the wedding topper. No, seriously. WTF? I got chills. We didn't even see what he did with them, and that makes it all Blair Witchy for me. Unresolved and just plain creepy. They way he poked Kurt in the arm really bothered me.

- Carol Burnett's cameao, full stop. I expected her to be funny, give the darker theme we have been visiting lately a polish that left us all smirking. All I kept thinking was "What's the point of bringing in someone who makes Sue look nice?"

- Am I the only one wondering why Becky is never in class?

- Santana wants Finn?

I have to run out to work now, but I'll probably add to this later once I think of it. But here are my initial thoughts. Althought I LOVED how they did it, I still had mixed feelings about a lot of the elements.

[season] 2, [entry] ooc, [warning] spoilers

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