1. You're irritating
2. You're a cunt
3. You're annoying
4. I hate you.
5. I hate you too
6. Are you human?
7. Then I think you suck!
8. You bore me.
9. Fucking beat you.
10. Love me two times baby, love me twice today. Love me two times baby, 'cause I've got aids. [You like that Jim Morrison impression?]
Hey guys!!! Guess which one's you?! If you get it right, you get Fat Mike to piss in your face! If that's not an incentive, I don't know what is.
I'm kidding! I must be kidding because the Bahamas are islands! Oh my goddess, what is wrong with the entire human race this afternoon? It's like they know I'm in the mood for winding people up, and they choose to help me indulge that desire. Thanks!
My dog is licking my elbow. She's been sitting there, just staring at me, for ages. I think she wants me. Silly bitch.
Other news from today (other "highlights"):
Listening to Michael Jackson's Ones album thanks to the nice guy behind me on the bus who had his CD player right the way up.
Talking about Japanese porno with punx ben.
My media teacher trying to explain the phallic shaped objects in Tomb Raider without going into too much detail (I don't know why she bothered. Last week she faked an orgasm on her desk.)
Finding out I get to read Frankenstein for my English assignment.
[17:27:44] They call us: We got a huge list to choose from, and I think I'm going to go for Frankenstein, because Ashley's reading it and says it's really good
[17:32:39] sue: Mmm, I'm worried about you!!!
[17:32:45] They call us: ?
[17:35:44] sue: The things you like are very gory and scarey!!!
[17:35:58] sue: Are you a vampire?!!!
[17:36:02] They call us: Frankenstein isn't gorey
[17:36:09] They call us: Yes. Yes I am.
[17:37:14] sue: Oh. Must remember to get some garlic and a cross on the way home then!!!:P
The end.